Aug 07, 2009 21:56
Ah, back to work.
Took yesterday off as a “sick” day (as in sick of working) for a very good reason. You see, the company doesn’t pay out sick time when you’re terminated (for any reason, including layoffs) so if you have any left when the end comes you simply lose it. I’m not down with that. Neither is my boss, nor are my coworkers. We’ve all agreed that we’re going to rotate a few days where we’re “sick” so as to get paid for the time we’ve accrued. Yesterday was my day.
Still waiting for “the end” or news of it to come down the pike for us. More info promises to be presented next week some time. Maybe we’ll get a definite timeline for how long we have left. Maybe not.
The roomies are also gone for the weekend. This leaves the house to Rak and myself. It is such a welcome relief, more so than I thought it would be. Sooooo nice.
Picked up Mom, Rob, and Kat from the airport today. They came back from their vacation in Alaska (seeing Rob’s son Ray and family). They had a fabulous time. I got a shirt. And halibut that Kat caught while fishing up there. We’ll have that for dinner tomorrow probably. If it’s half as good as it looks we’re in for a real treat.
Not much else going on for now.