Jun 23, 2008 19:58
OK...I caved and bought an Ipod nano. Do I really need one? No, not at all. But it was so cute, and I had a gift card. Plus, I'm going to visit Megan in Arizona soon and I don't have an mp3 player. I've been using my Samsung Juke as my music player, but I can't have my phone on during the flight. OK, I know I can deactivate the actual phone/calling for the flight and just use it as an mp3 player...but I chose to believe this wasn't true so that I wouldn't feel guilty for wasting money on an Ipod.
So, even though I have two big CD books filled with music and a bunch of CDs laying around that I never bothered to put in the book, give me some music suggestions to download. It's just so much easier to download than it is to rip from my CDs. Plus, I'm lazy. Anything new you have been listening to? Give it all to me.
And videos...if anyone found anything interesting or hilarious or just plain strange on youtube, tell me. I'll put it on my Ipod and watch it on the flight. I named my Ipod Nugget.
In other news, I've been enjoying the summer so far. Spent some time with Searson, a few days back in MD with the roommates, some time in Htown/Atown with my Saucon crew. And I have a lot coming up that I'm really looking forward to. I also have been starting (for the 10th time) to go through all my shit at my mom's house. I managed to get rid of a lot of junk in my room but it turns out I have like 8 huge rubbermaid containers filled with stuff out in the shed. Ugh. If anyone is trying to find something they used to have as a kid and want it back, I probably have it. I saved everything. Collect anything? Looking for something? I'll be happy to send it to you. Or come here and take whatever you want. Seriously. If it's not in my room, it's not important to me and I just want it all gone.
I managed to watch some movies last week, too. I downloaded a ton of stuff and put it on disc, but never got around to watching anything with my roommates. So, finally I watched:
-The Nines- Great. But I need to watch it again.
-Factory Girl- Eh. It was okay. I love Andy Warhol, though.
-The Darjeeling Limited- I've decided I'm naming one of my children after all three of the Wilson brothers. I love those guys.
-Vulgar- Oh holy shit! Do no watch this movie unless you love Kevin Smith and his posse. It's one of the most fucked up movies I've seen. Yeah, that doesn't really say much. I'm afraid to say this is a good movie and I loved it. But I did!
I also bought Anchorman and You, Me, Dupree at a yard sale for $2 each. I liked both, but neither enough to buy. For $2, though, I might as well. So I watched them both over again.
I need to watch Once now. And I still have half the movies nominated for Oscars on my to-watch list.
Saw Get Smart this weekend, then snuck into The Happening. Just like old times.
And someone PLEASE go see She and Him in Philadelphia with me on July 25th. Tix are like $25.
OK, have a fantastic week! Bye!