Dear Heifer International*,
Please stop inundating me with requests for donations. I am constantly receiving postcards, letters, magazines and catalogues from you.
Here’s the thing - I’ve already donated money to you guys. This is in fact when you started sending me all these requests for more money.
I donated money to you because I like your message and methods. You don’t just help people, you help people help themselves. This is why I gave you guys money to send a bunch of bees to people. But you see the point, don’t you? You didn’t have to ask. When I wanted to donate money, I managed to find you guys without any help. Do you think that I now somehow lost the ability to do so, and need to be constantly reminded?
Here’s a suggestion. Rather than sending me all these things, why don’t you just keep that money? Consider that my additional contribution.
Sincerely yours,
* Or just about any other charitable organisation. But these guys are the ones currently annoying the heck out of me.
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