Oct 21, 2008 08:48
You guys.
My public library lets you download audiobooks onto your iPod/mp3 player for free, and then the file like, self destructs somehow after a month.
There are several things fabulous about this:
1. It's free, and free is always fabulous.
2. I find the sound of people talking very relaxing and audiobooks/comedy CDs etc help me fall asleep, which can be a battle at best.
3. They have a ton of my favourite kiddie novels so I don't have to worry about plot keeping me up.
4. Of said kiddie novels, the entire Ramona Quimby series is available.
5. In the realm of Things That Take This From Really Cool To Fabulousity of Utterly Cosmic Levels, guess who narrates said series?
6. If you guessed Stockard Channing, I hope you put money on it.
This is making a member of the Tuesdays Suck brigade v. much closer to happy. ;)
Also, it is windy and frosty here and my house sounds like it may just collapse at any minute. I know statistically this is improbable, as stone houses of 10+ decades don't make it a habit to just keel over and die at innappropriate times, but it doesn't make my upstairs floor sound any less creaky and nerve wracking.
made of win,