Just what the title says, folks. If you're suffering an extreme case of boredom, or you find my randomosity at all amusing, please; I encourage you to continue.
All right, there will be no pretty segues... Seguii? How do you pluralize that? Moving on. Well, not really moving on so much as just getting back to... Ummm... What was I talking about
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Glock, you don't know the half of it with the Sopranos thing. He's been in the construction business in a steeltown run by the mafia for more than 50 years, LOL! We *are* the Sopranos. For a while, he even drove Tony's truck. Sad, really. Oh well.
I think you're right about the dog name. And hoo boy, terriers. Don't get me started. LOL!
I get too caught up in the music, that's all there is to it. Do you have an IM program? I use MSN, and I was just thinking it might be an easy way for me to bounce fic ideas off of you. That sounds really wrong, doesn't it? ;)
Glock, have I hugged you today? Just in case, *hugs*. You are teh rocking. I forgot to add the second vid from 22 Minutes, one that is equally as funny, if not even funnier. Take a peek if you're bored. :)
OMG...yep, you definitely *are* the Sopranos. But that's a good thing. You can go on A&E Network eventually!
Music. Meh. I'm listening to "Possession" by Sarah McLachlan and now Zelman wants John. (Her sofa. Now.) Heh. I am SUCH a fangrrrl! ::: random squee ::: ;)
I'm just upset that we're not getting any of the syndication money. ;)
**SQUEE** I love squeeing SO much. Mine are usually AO squees, but I already have over-squeed (is that possible?) watching reruns from s.2 tonight. *happy horny sigh* Life is shiny.
Hey, I've left a new rant at the 'Gogue. ;)
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