Birth Story

Oct 04, 2005 01:35

I decided I should put down my birth story before I forget it. Then I can have a copy for Logan if he is ever interested.

On Monday August 29th, Sam and I had just got back from American Furniture Warehouse, where we had bought a new book shelf for the living room, and a thing of I guess shelves for Logan's room. We were standing around talking with my dad, who had come over to help Sam move our furniture in, when I thought I felt something leaking. I didn't say anything as it was just a slow trickle feeling. I thought I had wet myslef as all of the books I have say that happens alot, I hadn't done that ever so I figured maybe thats what I had done.

My Dad left, we watched some tv yada yada yada. When we went to bed, probably around midnight, I still felt some leaking. Told Sam about it and we decided just to go to bed and ignore it. About 4 or 4:30am the next morning I woke up really wet. I woke up Sam and we decided to call the Dr. We paged Dr. Heinze and he said to come in at 8:30 as it was probably nothing but I should be checked out.

Sam and I stayed up since why bother going to sleep at that point.... At about 6 Dr. Heinze called back and said I should head over to the hosiptal as the more he thought about it, the more he thought my water had broke. I showered and we headed over to the ER so they could take me up to L&D. Once there, they tested to see if it was amniotic fluid and it was, so they admitted me and we waited for Heinze to show up.

He finally showed up at around 8:30 (I think, some details are hazy)and he checked himself. My water had broke, or leaked or whatever. They put me on semi strick bedrest, only potty breaks so I would not lose to much and said we would try to keep him in until Saturday where he would be 32 weeks gestational. I was given antibotics to ward of infection and steriods to help mature his lungs. Luckily I did not go into labor at all. At that point we weighed whether we should just let him stay in and risk infection, or induce. Tough decision, but after talking to our Dr., the NICU nurses and the Neonatiologist we decided, 8 weeks early would be better than 4 weeks with a bad infection, if I could even go that long.

I did have an amnio to check to make sure he looked ok(no infection). It hurt like hell but not as bad as the IV the dumb nurse put in. THAT made me cry, the amnio only really hurt when they made me laugh. (DONT EVER LAUGH WITH A BIG ASS NEEDLE IN YOUR STOMACH) The nurse was not happy when I told her the IV hurt worse, so she sent someone who knew how to do one in and it was soo much better.

On Saturday the 3rd of September Heinze came in around 9:30 and took out the cerclage, I was at 2cm dialated and they started the Pitocin. I didn't start feeling contractions until about 10:30. (at this point, I also had to check my blood sugar EVERY HOUR, now THAT was hard to remember.) I started to dialate in what seemed like super fast time. By 6 or 7 I was already 6cm dialated and had already had my epidural. Good thing too as later they had to up my Pitocin so high the contracts were just coming one on top of each other. I don't know how the pain would have been had I NOT had the Epidural. The main bad part is everytime they gave me some my blood pressure would drop super low and then I would have to have something to get it back up. Well after about two ours I had not gone past 6 and Heinze started to talk about a c-section. I was crushed. I knew Logan had abeeter chance if delivered vaginal and I wanted to have at least one part of my pregnancy to be normal. He said we could wait all night but at some point it would just wear me out and that could be worse. We said we would give it another hour or so and see, but my contractions were so week I might never have them strong enough to get past that.

I was soo sad, I sent sam out to go update everyone, the DR said he would go home for a bit, and the Nurse went out to go see to others, or whatever. I was alone. I cried and I started to just pray everytime I got a contraction that they would get as strong as possible. In doing this I wasn't using the pump for the epidural and the medicine was wearing off. Pretty soon I could gage again how bad they were and at one point the nurse came in cheering " That was in the 70's woohoo". Well with the epidural wearing off they were getting bad, they had turned up the Pitocin to almost record levels so one would end and another would almost immediatly start. The anthesologist said I needed somemore now, or it wouldn't work when I really needed it. He then had to give me soo much that my blood pressure dropped and I thought I was going to pass out. It scared me that I kept having to pull myself up, the nurse checked my BP and had them give me even more BP medicine. She then checked my and I was up to 8 cm. Then 9... WOOHOO it was working! She called Heinze who headed back. I told her I wanted to push and of course she said to wait. I don't know HOW that would work but I tried. :P

Heinze got back, and I was ready to go. They raised me up and told Sam to help me with my legs as I could not move them on my own with so much medicine. I pushed for about 30min and out he came. I waited to hear his cry, so worried it wouldn't come. Releived and wiped out when he did. They brought him over to me so I could see him for a second, then him and Sam were wisked away to the NICU.

All in all I was only in labor for about 12 hours and only had to push for 30. Born at 10:23 PM He was 4lbs 6oz and 17 1/2 inches long.

It was so amazing, all my fears were gone once Sam cme back and said he was fine. He is a month old and already 6lbs 5oz. He came home on Thursday and we are all trying to adapt. It is much easier than the hospital. He will go in to see the dr again in about two weeks and will get another ultrasound on his head to make sure he does not have any brain damage. He doesn't seem to and the first ultrasound when he was born did not show any issues so lets keep our fingers crossed.

The DR has informed us due to the fact it will be flu and cold season soon, she does not want him in daycare for 6mo if at all possible. Or at least 4 or 5mo. We are trying to figure out how to do that but I am going to talk to work and see what we can come up with. Hopefully they will let me work a split shift or something, I do not want to risk him going to the hosiptal so hopefully Jim will work with me. Whelp he is waking up, time for his diaper to be changed and for him to eat.


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