Pelayanan Restoran di Indonesia (bukan "pada umumnya" loh yaa..)

Oct 31, 2006 19:12

Just got this mail from a colleague of mine:

FYI, pengalaman pribadi makan di Burger Cooker & Grill, Gandaria Tengah. Maap dalam bahasa Inggris soalnya istri sendiri yang curhat, males nerjemahin :-) Kalo mau di-forward silahkan, kasih kontak lengkap gue.
Redaksi CHIP

I happened to be there sometime last weekend to be exact,Sunday,28th Sept.Around 8-9pm with the whole family because we wanted to try the soto bakar, BAD EXPERIENCE,really I'm here to share with the rest of you what actually happened just so you wont get to experience the same thing as we do.

First thing first,we came with the whole family,there was about the 8 of us,and the place was packed,so thats fine,because being a we stood outside,waiting for a place,and there were also people coming from another entrance,it seemed that nobody paid attention to us,being a whole group,i mean,i understand that its crowded but its the service line,at least secure a place when you see one for the family that has been waiting outside.instead of letting the ones after you get places to thats ONE,TWO,we got our place with our own effort,and waited for somebody to come to take the orders,out of courtesy,any staff could have just asked if we've already ordered.But NO.and then finally one of the staff happen to ask something BUT did not ask if we've ordered,my father in law had to stopped him to ask if we could order.After ordering,we waited,the drinks came soon after.

After more than 20mins, we still didn't get any of our orders,NOT even one order was on the table except for the drinks that was already running out.My husband had to go to the counter to tell them that we haven't got our orders yet.And the guy at the counter said ok,it will be delivered soon,still preparing.Ok so we waited,we waited for another 10-15 mins,just to get the first 2 dishes out,she delivered the food BUT WITH NO FORK AND thats fine,again my husband went to the counter to get it,and you know whats the most ridiculous thing,there were none,one of the staff said,we ran out of it,and the rest haven't yet been cleaned,aren't those things the MOST basic thing that you need to control in a restaurant?couldn't the supervisor or the manager on duty that night make sure that these basic things are there for customers to use.No body handed out to us,even when it was out,again my husband had to go over and take it himself,and still the rest of the other orders were still not out yet.

So approximately we waited more than 30mins.The soto bakar came,and by these time,the people who i realized came after us,already had their food on the table and eating it while we are still there waiting for most of the orders that has not been sent.The whole family was very unhappy with the service,we had to keep reminding people at the counter that we haven't got our food yet,and even asked them if they can still remember what we ordered,because if they don't,we can tell them again,its ok,but bottom line is we don't get service from these people there,people that were paid and supposedly be doing their job proficiently.We were so angry that we decided to leave and cancelled the rest of the order,and one staff came to us with the order sheet to ask us what is it that has been delivered and what has not,and much to our surprise,he told us,with that bond on his band,he said that most of the orders are out,because in that bond,most of the dishes we ordered were already manually cancelled, BUT we didn't get our orders.Now,here i want to ask the person in charge,just how do you serve the customers that came into the restaurant?is it based on first come first serve basis or just keep serving to customers that only the personal waiter or waitresses served.So that means the orders that came in and the ones that were prepared were not under controlled EVEN by the people at the counter,I mean what the hell is this kind of service called?

When we went to the counter to pay,and i think its the duty manager in charge that night,He didn't even bother to say a simple SORRY to us,instead he looks impatient.Its such a shame because I'm not local and ive been in the service line for almost 10 years from where i come from, and ive always thought that even the food sellers on the roadside in jakarta that ive ever been to gives so much customer service than this particular restaurant.This review don't just stop here,i want people to know what kind of service i got from that particular branch at Radio Dalam, Jl.Gandaria Tengah III/ 1

Spread the words friends!


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