Flashback 1991/92
A good friend introduced me to stained glass window making (ok, sun catchers is more my talent level)
Flash foreward a bit
Mothers day weekend 2006, I bought Camera (my 1st digital camera). Portraits are a challenge, but flowers/stationairy items is more my speed (panoramic's are on the increase)
Flash forward to present time
February 11th 2012 I joined my 3 sisters and the family out-law (a self title from my former nephew in-law) went to the flower & garden show in Seattle. Looking at the list of seminars for the day, one of the last seminars for that day was photographing flowers. The main tool/device he used was sheets of stained glass. When I heard that I turned to look at my sister next to me, she and the outlaw was already looking at me (I think our cartoon bubble light bulbs lit the room)
Of course as time and nature would have it, combining the two hobbies, would have to wait till spring arrived. But that is ok, just gave me extra time to gather stuff. Living in the woods, there are not to many flowery things up there. But the past couple weeks a shrub, a tree, a vine and a grass has been producing blossoms.
Here are some shots I did in the past week
a vine blossom w/a white spider)
a shrub
a tree
bear grass blossom
a vine blossom
bleeding heart
mom's, mothers day/birthday hanging basket blossom
vine blossom
It is time to increase my glass selection, luckily a glass supply store is not too far away.
Roomy and I have come up with a way/device to make vase's and potted plant's/flower's photo op's a single person thing, but tree's, shrub's, vines and grass's photo op's is a 2 person task.
Hundreds of daisies are about ready to bloom on the property
I think a trip to (Big M) Tacoma is in order this week.
I just hope Camera will survive this new found trick