Piskie. You see the world through the eyes of a
child. Everything is bright and new and
interesting. So what if sometimes you forget to
give things back, you did leave something else
interesting for them to play with while you
examined what you borrowed. You are sometimes a
bit too inquisitive for your own good, but
that's okay, it's all fun and games. Speaking
of fun and games, you love to play with
children, and never grow tired of hearing them
tell you stories, or seeing the latest doodle
they have drawn. It warms your heart to know
that creativity still lives in tomorrows
What Type of Changeling Are You? (Now Including Pictures for Each Kith) brought to you by
Quizilla You are the Hermit card. The Hermit has chosen a
solitary spiritual path. He shines light on his
inner self and, by this means, gains wisdom.
The Hermit's home is the natural world and it
is by being in tune with that world that he
learns the laws of nature and learn how they
operate within himself. His path is a lonely
one as he lives in silence and has for
companionship only his own internal rhythms.
But those crossing his path are touched by his
light and wisdom. Though often alone, he
manages nevertheless to instruct those who meet
him and guides those who chose to follow him on
a path towards enlightenment. Image from The
Aleister Crowley Tarot deck.
http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/thoth/ Which Tarot Card Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla HEY!!! unlike comrade_phyre, I usually don't comment a lot of the quiz results i post...but this one is so me I think. I'm quiet around other people...until I'm not! LOL
Your Brain's Pattern
Your mind is an incubator for good ideas, it just takes a while for them to develop.
But when you think of something, watch out!
Your thoughts tend to be huge, and they come on quickly - like an explosion.
You tend to be quiet around others, unless you're inspired by your next big idea.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?