Old Fics : Part Eins

Aug 07, 2006 22:22

Title: Brennende Liebe (Burning Love)
Author: CourianDeLanca
Pairing: MikexDero (x-over with Oomph!)
Rating: Light NC-17
Warnings: (warn if it’s slash/sensitive material)
Disclaimer: Do not own Mike Shinoda or Dero, both belong to respected companies. I am not making profit off this. (Nu sue-y!)
Notes: Drabblefic, 584 words.

Burning love, indeed. Forbidden, desecrated, and black it was as well.
Dero knew he was in dark waters from the beginning but continued to drown himself in the sweetness of this devilish sea. His eyes picked up each movement, the way his fingers were tangled in shorter, pliable dampwithsweatyesyes but just as dark spikes, the way his arm tensed as he pulled and pulled on that soft hair, until two handcuff bound hands that were steadying two shaking forms were lifted off the sheets and fingertips left to grasp at only air, a pleading nonopleaseno groan met his sharp ears.

Staring down at the way his hand melted into the caramel flesh of the other body's lower spine, at the black tipped fingernails digging into that tender flesh don'tfightityouneedit,yesyes a grin split his pale lips apart, and it slashed against his face as his body moved, slammed, and rocked against the other painfully. Soft pants filled his ears, as he took and took hurtshurtspleasegodyeshurts, but those sounds were soon muffled as Dero's hand curved over that panting mouth, pushing his middle finger knuckle deep into that hot, but sweet and wet cavern, feeling a tongue desperately licking at his invading finger, and a mouth suckling at his digit like it was candy.

His free hand suddenly tightened in the younger man's black silk, and yanked with black tipped fingers, with strength unbidden, with a domination over the man's soul and body, he yanked and tugged until a small cry eeked out from behind his hand, and near black eyes pricking with tears stared up at him sofullofdesirewantyouneedyouhateyouhateyou, and those drops of liquid crystal and salt slid down tanned cheeks, which caused an eager tongue to lick them up. Dero slammed his hips foreward, twisted, pulled usedusedusedabused and pushed at the trembling, aching form beneath him, until a shriek hit his palm, and teeth clamped down on his finges as white pearls dripped over twitching caramel hands, Dero gave a rumbling moan as his body seized up in the moment of pleasure and pain, and spilled himself inside the younger man, but soon enough moved from him and pushed away, letting that tired form slump against the sheets, seeking out comfort in the soiled bed.

"Honestly..." Dero purred, his eyes flicking from the mirror to the body on the bed, which still hadn't moved, even while Dero cleaned himself and redressed himself a chuckle left his throat as he ran his fingers through his wilting spikes and straightened them, and pulled a small black eyeliner pen fromhis pants pocket...

"You look so upset.." the German said as he carefully applied the kohl around his eyes, after wiping away the previous lines which became smudged from sweat, he eyed the handsome devil in his reflection for a second, and gave a smirk of a proud nature...

"I've always thought your hands were very pretty...very artistic..." he paused dramatically, catching the flicker of brown eyes in his direction...

"Especially when they're covered in your come..." he turned to the door, giving the naked and used stillinhandcuffsgodIwanthim form on the lonely beda heated glance, opening the door with his fingers he turned his head over his shoulder and said before he left...

"You might want to clean yourself up before Anna gets home, hm?" He shut the door afterwards, his cold laughter heard in the hallway as screams of anger met his ears. Brennende liebe...Dero always knew his love burnt those who wanted it...and now Mike Shinoda knew the same.

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