Title: None Of Your Business
Rating: PG-13. Rated for cursewords.
Fandom: DOGS.
Parings: No pairings.
Warnings: This may not be totally accurate -- since we don't know. Anything about Dave! It's mostly just my view and headcanon going on, though I did try to make it as accurate as I could, with relevance to actual canon. And I didn't really beta this or go over it a lot. When I write, I write. This is what happened. Cheers!
Disclaimer: I don't even own my kidney, let alone DOGS.
Summary: Just a view into Dave and Badou, and their relationship.
Notes: Like I said in the warning, this is just my headcanon of Dave. Nothing craaaazy or the like. All comments, crit, questions, suggestions, prompts, love, hate, random spazzing are appreciated and welcome. Also, still not very long. About three pages.
Dave Nails was that kind of guy that you just knew that'd end up dead.
Or worse.
Just from the way he looked - he wasn't the kind of guy you'd talk to on the street if you could help it. Though most of the time, even if you were willing to try to talk to the smoker, you wouldn't be able to get near him. He constantly had a trail of purple smoke following him from his cigarettes, and when he stood still that trail just became a force field. Only Badou could really stand it - everyone else just stood to the side and gave him a once over.
Not that Dave minded. Hell, the guy barely even noticed. He was too busy working. Gathering information. He was always snooping around somewhere, with his jacket hanging loosely on his shoulders and a gleam in his eye. The way he carried himself just screamed This One's Gunna End Up As Fertilizer. Too many risks. Not enough self-preservation.
Dave was just that type of guy. The one who threw himself out there without any regard to his own life. He didn't think about the consequences. He didn't think about the fact that if he died Badou would be all alone and poor on the streets with people who'd love to use his corpse as a mop. No, Dave lived in the moment, living paycheck to paycheck and day to day.
You live, you do what you wanna do, you die.
They were always flat broke. “I paid the bills,” Dave would say as he tossed Badou off with a wave of his hand and went back to looking something up or smoking. But a few days later the power would always go out, or the sink wouldn't run water anymore. Just brown goop that'd stain the already yellowed thing. Yum.
Badou eventually learned that Dave wasn't going to pay the bills on time or ever - or he'd pay them every six months. When he remembered. He took to doing it himself, leaving Dave to doing whatever Daves did best.
Badou sewed his own clothes back up when they got too worn to wear. He did a crappy job, but they didn't have money for new shit. Or even old shit that was on sale from a homeless shelter. Hell, Dave was only getting smokes by going to people and demanding them. Sometimes he even did that with food if he noticed that Badou's stomach was growling and there was nothing left in the place for them to eat. Flat broke was their perpetual state. But you can't miss what you never had, so it wasn't like they really felt it. You can't feel hungry for a huge dinner if you never really had a huge dinner in the first place, could you?
Let me make that easy for you: Nnnnno.
So Dave was a shitty brother. But as shitty of a brother as he was, he was Badou's brother. And Badou loved him. Even though he was a complete pain in the ass more than half the time. Not all of the time - that would be an exaggeration. ...But not much of one.
“Way to go, kiddo,” Dave would say when Badou did something useful or impressive. Or something that Dave felt just deserved kudos. “Niceee, bad boy!” Badou would simply look at Dave with The Look whenever he said something like that. The one that screamed Brother You're Embarrassing me. Dave never did have a sense of tact so he kept doing it anyway. Or he did and he just liked making Badou feel shame shame shameee. Sometimes he even threw in a thumbs up and a goofy grin, which made Badou want to chuck something at him. He even did a few times, but Dave would laugh it off.
“Don't call me that,” Badou usually responded with, donning The Look. Or sometimes he'd just stare at Dave like he was zoning out, waiting for his brother to stop. The latter didn't usually happen because Badou knew Dave wouldn't stop teasing him because he waited. He'd just laugh, smoke, and laugh some more.
Dave had a laugh that was almost infectious... but not quite. It depended on the situation. He laughed at Badou doing something stupid, and that laugh was one Badou liked. When his brother was talking to other people he had an air about him that simply made him likable. Badou always just watched him, sucking on something to the side and occasionally mumbling about how Dave was a pain in the ass or something else like that.
But he also had another laugh that wasn't as nice. One usually uttered when he was splattered with blood or something worse. When he staggered back to their place after a tough job. Dave didn't complain about his jobs. Not to Badou, anyways. Hell, he talked to Badou about stupid things that he didn't even really want to hear. He'd have liked to hear about what Dave wrote about, or what information he was passing onto who, but he wasn't so lucky.
Sometimes he'd drag him along and use him for help, but he never got Badou too involved. ...Most of the time. Most of the time.
Mostly Dave would randomly take him to rooftops and make him watch the sunset or sunrise while he ranted about a topic that would never come up in normal conversation. About the differences between oranges and apples. Random shit. Badou would just stare at Dave with a sleepy expression while he went on, wishing he was back in bed and not on the damn roof with Dave talking about fruit. Dave would smoke a good four or five cigarettes when they had these moments, so secondhand smoke was in full blast into Badou's face, but neither of them noticed or cared.
Probably because Badou was usually half asleep and Dave was too animated, but that's beside the point. They both enjoyed those moments - no matter what Badou said.
Dave Nails. What a character.
Whaaaat a character.
But to those who Dave dug up information on, he was just a pain in the ass. A plain old pain in the ass. Someone who needed to be dealt with because he knew too much. He discovered too much. He'd get chased for blocks with guys on his trail, laughing while he ran, a trail of smoke following him faithfully like an old pet. Dave got up to his neck in trouble more times than not, so it was only natural he'd end up dead. Too many enemies.
And when you have too many enemies, you'll never be left alone. You'll end up dead somehow. They were just lucky Dave was that kind of guy. You know, the kind who everyone thinks is gunna end up dead at a young age anyway.
But Dave Nails wasn't the type to let those enemies stop him. He could really pull himself out of some sticky situations when he needed to. And he made money sometimes. But most of that money was blown on something frivolous, or cigarettes. Cigarettes were never considered frivolous to Dave. They were just as important as food, if not more-so.
Dave was a shitty provider and a shitty brother. Fantastic! Why did Badou love the asshole so much? Good question. Very good question. Sometimes, questions don't have answers.
And sometimes they do. They just aren't any of your fucking business.
That's what Badou would say, anyway.