I think there's a slight chance not all of you know this yet, but the tune played while Jenna and Channing are dancing can, unfortunately, not be found via LimeWire or whatever - it's also not on the soundtrack cd.
What I do have found, though, is by who it is played.
The band is called Nuttin But Stringz, and it's the two boys you saw playing the classical music on the violin when Channing entered the art school to do his community service.
You can find information about them on
NuttinButStringz.com, and you can download their music on LimeWire, although I would recommend actually buying their upcoming cd, because they're just starting artist.
I have a whole story about the reason why I really like this band on my LJ, I'm too lazy to repeat it again, but feel free to read it on my LJ.
I hope I helped some of you out with this whole story!