andrew owens

Jan 10, 2007 01:43

third entry in one day;
but holy shit; im feeling quite nostalgic.....

i REALLY miss my owens. he meant so much to me at one point... we were inseparable for the longest time.. from gr. 9 all the way until gr.11. shit! we've been talking here and there the past couple of days and we've been trying to make plans to get together for weeks now! i surely hope this friday pulls through because i think i really need to see him. we went through so much; both together and separately.

we were always close, but that one night early in grade ten when we walked all the way from that crashed party to my house; crying and laughing and telling eachother our life stories - that was it - that was when we reached out to eachother immensely. we grew apart at the end of grade ten while he dated around and i was deeply submerged into drugs. he dated melissa, left for ireland for a few weeks, then upon his arrival he discovered that melissa and steve were an item (this seems like SO long ago- like it almost never happened) and naturally, seeing as we were both so heartbroken we ran back into eachother's lives and held on to eachother real close; up until i started dating zach - we grew apart quickly after that....

owens and i were the epitome of hobos, we'd walk around town at all hours of the night, we were partners in crime, always up to no good. we have the most random memories and the strangest stories of all time. that night he came over and i somehow automatically (without saying anything) just started putting eyeliner on him - he loved every second of it- he felt like a diva and i just have a tranny fetish, watching soft-core porn on mute while making up a dialague, running around on ecstacy at my house with him completely sober, walks around to nowhere in particular, vlad's house - every weekend for all of december, p5, lunchtime playdates, staying around at the promenade for far too long after school.... andrew has a special place in my heart because of his good-hearted nature, his humour and just everything he's ever done for me. he's definitely had something to do with making me the person i am today.

im hopeful that we can step back into eachother's lives, although i know nothing will ever be the same because so much has happened, and so much has changed us.
im just happy to have known a friend like him.
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