Title: Letters - Part I
Rating: PG, for now. Will turn NC-17 eventually
Pairing: Dawn/Tara Friendship - BtVS
Disclaimer: They're not mine sadly. No money is being made of this.
Spoilers: If you really didin’t see the series final by now, you probably won’t ever.. so No.
Summary: as the title says. These are letters between Dawn and Tara.
Setting: Uhm okay this starts out at the series finale and goes further from where the show ended. It is AU-ish since Tara is alive. She left Sunnydale after “Tabula Rasa”. Willow became Dark!Rosenberg due to Buffy being shot; there was no reuninon between Willow and Tara. Tara ended up in LA with Angel and his crew. Nobody from SD knows she’s there. Since Tara is in LA there was no need for Willow to go there to save Angel and Faith drove to SD alone. So uhm Willow is with Kennedy, the 7th season happened pretty much like on the show. I made up the whole AtS side of the story, because I watched the episodes after I already started this story. So totally AU for the AtS side. When Faith comes to SD in the 7th season she is allowed to tell Dawn where Tara is. And when Faith returns to LA she has a letter from Dawn for Tara in her jeans pocket.
This ist totally unconnected to the Season 8 comics.
Warnings: none really, well it is kinda femslashy. Duh!
Author's note: This story is gonna be huge. Well, not really this story, because it’s only the epiloge. I’ll post some chapters (I only have to translate them and dust them off). Tell me if you wanna read more.
Archive: femslash_smut for now. If you like to archive this, please ask
Author’s note 2: Fear not. I’m still continuing my other stories. I’m a busy bee these days *smirk*
Thanks: As always to my beta sofia_lindsay
Preface: I wrote this story a while back in German. It’s a prequel to a much bigger (epic even) story (Little Secrets). I had the idea for this story (Damn bunnies. Anya was right!) and started writing. I had always the feeling that the connection between Tara and Dawn was very special. Thumb wrestling outside the Magic Box anyone? Tara filled a gap after Joyce’s death and after Buffy died. Taking the role of mother and big sister for Dawn.
And when I started writing I started wondering how this would continue. Would Tara and Dawn meet again? How? Why? When? And the others? What happened after the series finale? What happened with all those awoken Slayers? Well and there you go. HUUUUUUUUGE possibilities. So if you’re up for it. Let me know and I shall continue.
Letters (1/5)
SD, evening of impending doom
Hey Tara!
I had to go to the porch to write to you, so I could have some privacy in this nut house. I don’t have much time though, because it can’t be long before anyone comes looking for me. It’s really hard to be alone for a while, there are just so many people around.
Well, and there it is. Another apocalypse. If we don’t have at least one a year something’s seriously wrong I guess. Tomorrow is the day. Buffy decided we attack tomorrow. And nobody knows what the day will bring. We don’t know if we’re all still alive tomorrow evening.
I have so much to tell you. So much has happened since you left and I want to tell you all of it because I don’t know if I ever get the chance to talk to you again. I’m really glad that you told Faith to fill me in in your whereabouts. I won’t tell anyone. Cross my heart.
Where do I start, there’s so much to say and only so much time. Okay here’s the most important thing: I love you. I’m not mad at you anymore. I know I wasn’t fair to you when you left, I didn’t understand it back then. It was just… it hurt so much, I can’t really fanthom how much more it must have hurt you. I just felt betrayed and abandoned. But now I have a better understanding for the reasons why you had to leave and I want to apologize for my childish behavior. I must have made it even harder for you. I still do miss you though, I guess that won’t ever change. If you were here a lot of things would have been better. You would have prevented some of the nasty stuff. (I’m sure Faith’ll give you the details.) But you’re not here and nothing can change that. Just don’t start feeling guilty again. You had to go to save yourself and Willow. I see that now. I’m just glad that I have you back in my life. So you’re in LA and not here, but to know where you are and that you’re doing okay; it helps. I feel much better and more safe. And I’m actually thankful that you’re not here. That you at least are safe.
We were so worried. All of us. Nobody knew where you’ve gone. You didn’t call, didn’t write. Willow was really miserable, but she got over it eventually. And that was the reason, wasn’t it. You knew if you called from time to time it would have been worse, it would have hurt everyone even more. And it wasn’t just Willow who missed you. We all did (still do).
I don’t know how much you know of what is happening here. It’s pretty hectic these days with all the Slayers in Training around. The few that are left at least. I started high school, but with all of SD being abandoned there are no classes. I learn a lot from Willow, Giles and Woods (He was our pricipal, his mom was a Slayer). Giles actually thinks I could be a good Watcher. Since the whole Watcher’s Council was whipped, he wants to start a new council. A better one. What do you think Tara, could I be a Watcher? I really miss your advice. You always knew what to say and to do. Do you think we could meet some time? Well after this whole apocalypse thingy with the First Evil is over? PLEASE! I could come to LA, nobody needs to know that it’s to visit you. But I really, really need to talk to you. I know I could proabably talk to Buffy or Willow, but they’re always so busy. Plus, you always got me way better then they did. Do you remember? A while back when we sat in front of the Magic Box thumb wrestling while the others were inside examining that body? It feels like ages ago. Is it really only three years?
(Sorry. I had to hide the letter for a moment, someone came out to look for me and I didn’t want them to see the letter. So where were we?)
Gosh, I’m only talking about myself, aren’t I? How much I missed you and what happened here. But what about you? How were you dealing? I had Willow, Buffy, Xander and Giles still around, but you had no one. It must have been so much harder for you. I’m really a selfish brat sometimes. Do you even wanna see me? Or do you think it will only hurt again? How are you feeling? Can I do something, anything to help? Did you… did you meet someone new? Well, you don’t have to tell me. It’s none of my business anyways. Did you talk to Faith since she came here? I didn’t really welcome her with open arms, but we’re cool now. Maybe I could call you when everything is back to normal? Or as normal as can be expected around here.
Oh Faith is calling for me, I gotta go. There’s so much I need to tell you. See I met someone. Unbelivable right? In all this chaos, another apocalyse knocking and I finally meet that someone. Well I really gotta go now or someone will get suspicious. Kennedy already thinks I’m nuts because I smile the whole day. Well it’s her first apocalypse. She doesn’t get that you have to be positive to get through it, think about the future.
Tara, if I.. well if I don’t get through this, if I die, please remember that I’ll always love you. You’ve always been my best friend and since mom died… Nobody had cared for me as much as you did. I miss you and hope to see you soon. Keep your fingers crossed.
Forever your