proof that i need to get more sleep

Feb 19, 2006 22:20

Esther Kitten says:
i think i should write a book. random things that would make esther, or anyone who loves fun, happy
Aaron - 24 - 0 says:
with that exact title
Esther Kitten says:
yes. chapter one: throwing stuff at other stuff, chapter two: the joy of meaningless violence - not the terrorist kind though, you freaks!, chapter three: sex, drugs, and rock n roll...try this at home, kids!, chapter four: more sex and more drugs, chapter five: ben and jerry - men you can always count on even if you're a straight man, chapter six: i'll eat your soul, mofo!!!, chapter seven: yes,i still have more random shit to say
Aaron - 24 - 0 says:
i believe you
Esther Kitten says:
the real question is....would you read the book? dun dun dunnnn
Aaron - 24 - 0 says:
i would try
Aaron - 24 - 0 says:
at the very least
Esther Kitten says:
i'd put diagrams of stuff in there!
Esther Kitten says:
and pictures of me running from the cops, the jehova's witnesses, and those commie bastards!
Aaron - 24 - 0 says:
this would be a pretty funny book
Esther Kitten says:
funny AND educational
Esther Kitten says:
i think i'd have to include a cd with a sing-a-long though, for good measure. and illiterate people.
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