I'll be brief today, but plan to be on more regular now.
I'm going for a new approach to my LJ, I was inspired by
JillianAnn by something She wrote in her post.
Here is JillianAnn's Quote that got my attention:
"i dont care about whats wrong
i care about what helps
i dont care about what people do wrong
i care about change
i dont believe anyone is stupid
i believe some just are not lucky enough to have good teachers
i dont believe i am better then anyone else
i just listen and seek
i dont believe we can help anyone
by putting them down
i dont believe ranting about how bad the system is
will help change it
i dont believe that i can effect anyone
by saying they suck and are wrong
i dont believe the way to fight a battle
is to attack the people your trying to save
so my focus from now on
is not whats wrong
but how can we change it"
by - JillianAnn
That got me to thinking about EOD's. (Experience of the Day)'s
the comments from
JillianAnn made me start to think about something that I used to do in a Journal... it was of the only times that my journal writing was successful. I had found that so much stuff would happen in a day that I would never have (or never take,) enough time to write it all down. Soooo, I decided that I would try to get at least on experience for each day down on paper. I soon found that the experiences that I was writing down were adding up. When I would read back through them I would find my self inspired to do good works.
Soooo, for my LJ I will be working on writing an experience each day... I may flavor it in a way that will help to inspire me in the future, or I may write about some thing sad or frustrating, but either way, I will try to get some thing down here in LJ that will Help to record the events of my life.
or it may be a tribute of some sort, like today's post which is sort of a Tribute to JillianAnn who seems to inspire with her writing and her Art.
...So, I'll be focusing on writing one thing here each day that is sort of a 'highlight' for the day.
PS - Qwest finally did it! they got me on line and I'm Cruisin fast on my DSL connection!!
I've missed the LJ community!! I look forward to reading all your posts for the last few weeks while I have been internet-less.