Apr 26, 2010 19:46
my hormones are all fucked up....and even tho i know thats what it is i still cant help but cry ..i keep thinking these stupid thoughts
plus im in so much pain....physically...some these stupid cramps..
and im bleeding so much that i cant really do anything...
im so miserable...ive been crying so much cuz i feel so terrible....
wish they would of warned me it was going to be this crappy, stupid birth control pills...
why cant i just be normal like everyone else
i need to stop complaining tho...i think Jon is sick of hearing about it. In fact i think hes sick of me. I get that vibe alot from him now. He snaps at me alot more now and i think im finally starting to annoy the fuck out of him...
boy does that make things worse for me, cuz i would be so lost without him