I Know Exactly What You're Going to Say...

Jul 18, 2008 18:12


That's what you're gonna say!

Last night, I was hit with some mega inspirado!  I got home from a really unfunny "Step-Brothers" and it hit me... BAM!!

I sat down at the computer and didn't stop typing until I was about 20 pages in.

Got back to it after work this morning and ended up at page 51 by the time I left for work!

What am I working on?  Here's where you're gonna say it!!

I'm writing a freakin' stage musical!  ME!!  An honest to God freakin' musical!

Go ahead and say it.   I'll wait.


Okay.  So yeah... the title right now is "The Rise and Fall fo Radio Through the Eyes of Rose Kelly".  I know... not very original with the last name there.  But there's a reason.  It's the story of a sort of "golden age" of radio.  Specifically, Q102 and B97.9 circa 1997.  A story told thru the eyes of a fictitious character based on my older sister with song and dance and all kinds of fun stuff.  Of course, I can't tell a radio story without throwing a character based on me in there.  But it's not really a major role.  But you DO get to see young Joe Kelly in his Bee costume for the first time.

Granted, I can't really WRITE music.  I can add lyrics to a song and stuff... but writing original tunes?  Can't do it.  So I pulled an "Across the Universe" or "Moulin Rouge".  I took existing songs and re-arranged them.  Maybe mashed some up.  Re-wrote a bit here.  That said, the possibility of me putting this on is pretty nil considering music copyright and stuff.  But I bet I could do a free production or something.

It's dialogue heavy with about 5 musical numbers in each of the 3 acts.

It's kinda funny how I've written this thing.  I wrote the beginning... then I wrote the end and I keep kinda adding to one and then adding to the other working my way to the middle.

Musical numbers I've written include the cast singing some of your favorites like Tom Petty's "Wake Up Time", Men at Work's "Who Could It Be Now", "Everybody Plays the Fool" by The Main Ingredient, Ugly Kid Joe's "I Hate Everything About You" and of course "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles.

I can't freakin' wait to get this thing finished!
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