Monday with Zeus and the Wii

Mar 20, 2007 06:05

Hit Zeus with Ken where we shot the shit with Barry for a little bit. Something about that place makes me drowsy when I leave. I dunno if it's all the colors or the fact that my eyes are constantly drawn to something that I just HAVE to read off the walls or shelves or whatever. It's just odd. I wish I could bring a cot in there and pass out. So, this guy walks up to Ken and I and starts asking about where to get a "passport" and tells us that he's in debt with taxes and he doesn't know what the answer is. "Is it Wonder Woman? Is it comics?" Needless to say, we were both fucking DUMBFOUNDED. Luckily, I was quick on my feet and told the guy that Barry had all the answers and ran away as he ambushed ol' Bazzer.

Not sure what the guy's deal was. Barry suspects it was some dude lookin' to score some drugs and was speaking in code. I maintain that the dude is just freakin' NUTS!


I picked us up a wireless Game Cube controller to hook up to the Wii yesterday. My sister let me borrow a fuck ton of old GC games when I saw her on St. Patty's Day which you can play in the Wii... but you NEED a GC controller.

"New Girl" and I were up a little late last night giving some of them a test drive. We started with "Dragon's Lair 3D". I loved it... but she didn't (I need to pick this one up) so we threw in this Looney Tunes game that we were both kinda unimpressed with. Next was the "Sonic The Hedgehog Collection" which she ruled my ass at.

The last game was "Disney's Magical Mirror". Let me tell you about this thing. You play as Mickey Mouse and you're collecting pieces of a magic mirror in a dream world so you can return to your body. Neat premise... but the gameplay was just horrible. Horrible... yet, like a trainwreck, we couldn't turn away. We just HAD to see what happened next! At one point, I realize it's 11 and I wanted to get to sleep at a decent time but we couldn't turn it off. I had no memory card to save everything we've done... so up we stayed until this bitch was finished. That's dedication, bitches. Was it worth it? FUUUUUUCK NO!! :)

We still have "Wario World", "Die Hard : Vendetta", "Resident Evil Zero" and "Eternal Darkness" to try out. Methinks, that will have to wait until like Thursday or Friday. I need to get some REAL sleep in this week.

So, as you probably guessed, "New Girl" and I are having a good time so far. Still not exclusive or anything... but she's fast approaching "name" status in my LJ. hehehehe
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