Character Name: Rorschach / Walter Kovacs
Species (human/alien/vampire/other?): Human
Extra-human/abnormal abilities, if any?: Nope, he's just your garden variety
1. Is it okay for your character's thoughts to be read/their mind to be probed?
Mun says yes, but Muse will object heavily, with violence if possible and substantial Glares of Death if he understands the probing is necessary in the situation. As long as the Mun of the prob-er doesn't mind accepting the fallout, go for it.
2. Is it okay for any of your character’s intense/distressing memories to be seen/heard/read in this situation?
Same as above; I've got no problem, but Rorschach's first instinct will be to lash out if he's aware it's happened.
3. What kind of mind does your character have? Are they disturbed at all? Are their thoughts ordered or jumbled?
His thoughts aren't jumbled so much as mangled. They're orderly if you can find the pattern (and there is one, it's just hard to find), but they tend to become very circular and focused on certain things depending on what he's currently occupied with. Anyone who spends any amount of time in his mind will find a sort of psychic fissure, a series of what might best be described as psychological fractures that have been messily and clumsily healed over. This has resulted in a strange dichotomy of thoughts that seem to be from two separate individuals, one very dominating and aggressive and one fairly weak and submissive (in comparison, anyway. Walter's not particularly timid, but he's just fragile enough that in the wake of Rorschach he's mostly relegated to the equivalent of a cage in the back corner). It's not an entirely accurate assessment, they're closer to two aspects of a single psyche that for whatever reason fractured some time ago and have never fully re-integrated, but it's just easier to think of them as two separate identities. Rorschach does himself, seldom if ever referring to himself as Walter because it's simply inaccurate. His mind is dark and forbidding and a generally unpleasant place to be and anyone who tries to hack into it will find that their presence is very much unwanted.
4. Is it okay for your character’s emotions to be sensed?
5. Does your character have a weak or strong mind? Are they susceptible to influence or hypnotism?
It's pretty strong, but if someone really wants to get in there it's not exactly difficult; he's only garden-variety human, after all. Don't expect him to accept any kind of mind control without fighting the whole way though, and please pass it by the Mun first. Chances are I won't have an objection, I'd just like a heads up, it's as much for ease of play as it is to avoid writing the character into a situation I'd prefer he not end up in.
6. Does your character have supernatural/mental fortification against mind-reading or telepathic communication?
Nope. He's resistant (in the "violently objects to everything and everyone that tries to get in his personal space" kind of way), but he doesn't have enough experience with it to have put anything solid in place.
7. In the case of characters who are extra-sentient/psychic and can just 'know' things about people, can the muns of these characters use the powers of Wikipedia to get information about your character?
Muse will pitch a bitch-fit if you start throwing around bits of his Personal Life, so I'd prefer you pass it by me first so we can maybe figure out a way to kind of minimize it and let him keep the Cone of Secrecy he seems to love so much, but in general, sure! And honestly, in most cases feel free to ask me directly; chances are I'll be able to give you whatever info you need, and I like to think I'm more reliable than some of the things you can get off Wikipedia. No offence, Wikipedia.
8. If so, is there anything that should absolutely never ever be brought up?
The Roche case is off-limits if you're just poking around in there for shits and giggles. It's not off the table entirely forever, just...ask me first. It's kind of a Sensitive Issue for him and things will end badly if you just bring it up out of the blue without a plot-driven reason behind it. Same goes for his early childhood; he tries not to think about it ever and is liable to get really cranky if you make him.
9. Anything that should absolutely be brought up?
Uh. WALTER. Heh. Because he's so amusing when he's in denial. (Don't mind the hateful glower, it's just how he says hello)
But in all Nothing specific I can think of, feel free to poke at whatever ridiculous aspect you like. His crazy religious fanaticism, his thoughts on The Big Man in general, his belief that he's some kind of ninja (because seriously, who hides in refrigerators waiting for people to get home so you can jump out at them?), his marked distaste for personal hygiene, his overt misogyny, his tendency to respond with violence whenever possible (even when it's a HORRIBLE time for that kind of a response), his belief that friendship means breaking into people's houses and eating their food without their permission...Really. Anything is equally a go.
10. Will thoughts in the narration be up for grabs? If so, how will you indicate these? Italics/strikes/something else?
If there's a reason to exploit it, I don't see why not. They'll be in italics if they're there.
11. Does your character have any fears/phobias that you wouldn't mind being exploited? Ones that you'd like to NOT be exploited?
The Almighty Vagina? Kidding aside, he is socially uncomfortable around people of the opposite gender, or anyone who shows him "undue attention" for that matter. It's kind of hilarious. He also reeeeally hates dogs. Feel free to exploit all of the above to your little hearts' content.
1. Is it okay for your character to be affected by chemical agents? Fear toxins, for example?
2. Does your character have any immunities or resistances to poisons/toxins/chemical agents/diseases/infections/radiation?
Nope! He tends to be more resilient in general, but again, that's mostly through sheer stubbornness and his Powers of Denial; he will actively refuse to admit he's hurting in just about any incarnation unless he doesn't have a choice in the matter.
3. Does your character have any notable genetic/supernatural/biological difference that would make their blood in any way different to a regular baseline human's (that would make them taste different if they were fed on by a vampire, for example)?
Not that I know of?
1. How okay are you with your character coming to physical harm?
He's a vigilante who spends most of his time beating the crap out of bad guys. I think if I had a problem with him getting knocked around I've apped the wrong character. Bring on the violence. ...Just, you know. Tell me first?
2. How okay are you with your character's home/possessions being targeted by bad guys?
Go for it! He has...nothing of any real value, although he will probably start up a journal again after a week or so, and get a new mask once he's feeling up to it, and in those cases they would be his Most Valued Possessions and if you touch them he will break your fingers. And also your face. Muses are free to abuse them, as well as anything else he picks up along the way, just give me a heads up first.
3. Can your character be impacted by telekinesis?
4. With regard to vampires, would your character be willing to be a donor?
Noooo not at all.
5. If no, then how about unwilling?
SO UNWILLING. It's like the telepathy thing, only compounded by his personal space issues. He will fight tooth and nail to avoid it, and then probably rant to whoever will listen about invasions and perversions and being unclean and crank at everyone and everything for days if they succeed. ...Mun encourages, but Muse will be pretty damn cranky about it so talk to me about it first.
6. With regard to shapeshifters, are you okay with having those with this power taking the shape of your character?
Psh, why not. It would definitely make for an interesting plot.
7. If your character has any superhuman abilities, would you be okay with these being replicated by those who have the power to absorb/take on the powers of others?
He has none, sooo irrelevance.
8. In a physical confrontation, is it okay if characters who have the power to sense/foresee/predict movements use this to their advantage against your character?
Uh. Depends; run it by me first?
9. Are you willing to participate in plots where your character will sustain damage outside of a fight, such as in situations with torture, environmental hazards, or accidents?
Definitely! I subscribe to the "tormenting my characters makes them stronger...and is just fun" school of thought, so feel free to throw whatever you have at him. He can take it.
10. Physically speaking, what stands out about your character? Imposing size? Physical scarring? Tattoos?
He's absurdly short (5'6" barefoot, 5'8" in Crimefighting Shoes), is covered in the type of scarring typical of reckless vigilante-types, and without his getup he gives the impression of a neglected dog that's been kicked one too many times. He's slight and scrawny, although pretty much pure muscle since he 1. spends all his time intentionally getting in fights and using the world as his personal jungle gym and 2. doesn't eat or sleep anywhere near enough. He's got godawful bright red/orange hair, way more freckles than entirely healthy that are...pretty much everywhere, and by most definitions of the word is the exact opposite of "attractive". "Trollish" might be a good descriptor. He faces the world with a blank stare and rarely blinks or emotes obviously, which really doesn't do much in the column of "reassuring". He also tends to reek of a delightful cornucopia that comes of running around the city and beating up criminals and failing to bathe or do laundry regularly. His voice is generally toneless and sounds like he's either a chain smoker or trying to be Batman, and while "Walter" sounds distinctly less so, he still sounds like he's been battling laryngitis and only recently got over it.
1. Can your character be influenced and tempted by magical or supernatural means?
Probably, yeah. He's only human, after all, with a human will.
2. If yes, will someone with the ability be able to find this out about them, and in what areas (think the seven deadly sins) can your character be tempted?
Oh dear. Someone who has the ability would probably be able to find it out even if only through trial and error.
Wrath and Pride, mostly; he has a violent streak miles wide and while he's careful to keep it restrained when he has to he doesn't always succeed depending on circumstances. He's a little pit of anger and generalized hatred, so it wouldn't take much to push him over; push his Batshit Button enough and he's done (read: threaten or actually harm small children or inform him of people who are/have/routinely do). And as far as pride goes...he has a disproportionately high view of himself and tends to be as fiercely independent as possible even if it's in no way in his own best interests, so he definitely would have issues in that area if tapped in. Put him in a situation where he has zero odds of succeeding and watch him futilely try to beat them anyway. Everything else would pretty much get a blank look though. Lust is...complicated, but could probably be poked at if you're careful and don't mind embarrassment-fueled payback of one kind or another; he's Repressed Like Whoa, so. It's THERE, he just ignores/denies it like the plague.
3. Could your character be glamoured (a form of mind control employed by vampires to make humans compliant/alter their memories etc.)?
Sure. He would be as resistant as he could be and would probably threaten horrible horrible things once it wears off, but I doubt he's immune.
4. Can your character be effected by spells of any kind, and are there any specific types to which they would be immune?
Nah, he's pretty much equal opportunity effectable.
5. Can your character's presence be sensed by characters with the power to read auras/pick up generalized vibes from people?
His presence can be sensed by people who can't read auras or get vibes. It's called smell-o-vision. Absolutely!
6. If yes, what kind of stand-out things about your character can be sensed?
Mostly anger and a kind of generalized lack of humanity. He makes most people uncomfortable just by existing, I'm sure his aura and/or vibes will do the same.
7. With regard to characters that can sense danger/receive visions/predict general doom, are you okay with your character being the subject of any of this, if the occasion arises?
1. If your character is from an earlier point in their canon than another member of your cast, what is and is not okay for your fellow castmate to spill the beans about regarding your character’s future?
He's about as far into canon as he can be, so there's really more a chance of him spoiling them than vice versa. In which case let me know if there's things YOU don't want revealed.
2. With regard to characters that like to snoop, can they find anything that's been publicly said by your character through the tablets?
Public? Sure, he's not that paranoid. ...That and he's terrible with new technology so I doubt he could figure out how to make it private himself ANYWAY.
3. How about privately?
Hells no. Only if you were part of the private conversation.
4. Is there anything you'd especially like to be known about your character, for the purposes of amusement?
5. Anything you especially don't?
As of right now? Nope!
6 Is canon-puncturing or fourth-walling acceptable? We encourage people to tread extremely lightly with allowing their character to learn they are fictional.
Ehh I'd prefer to avoid it just to keep my head happy, honestly.
7 Are there triggering or upsetting topics you would like other characters to avoid mentioning to yours for the sake of continued comfort (racist words, homophobia, self-injury, etc.)?
Eh, I'm worryingly desensitized to most things, and this is RORSCHACH we're talking about anyway (I mean, come on. If we're being entirely honest here he'll probably throw out a bunch of those things on his own ANYWAY because he's a horrible person), so don't censor your muses on my account. Conversely, let me know if there's anything that upsets YOU and I'll try to work around it.
8 Do you like threadhopping (a character not already in a thread jumping in unexpectedly to reply to a comment), and are you okay with other people threadhopping in your threads and posts?
Have at it! Unexpected interjections make things more fun.