Apr 05, 2005 09:02
so today I wake up fine and dandy a little tired but it happens, anyhow I put my make up on and as soon as I do my eye gets very blood shot, now it had been blood shut a lot from saturday when I first started my assumption that I had pink eye well after some eye drops my eye looked fine. Well Andrew tells me this morning that my eye looked pretty bad so first period I headed down to the nurse and had her look at her she thinks it's pink eye so they send me home. Now anyone would be happy to be sent home but I can't afford to miss school I am so pissed off.. I couldn't even tell Andrew I was leaving so right now he probably has no clue where I am:(. So I am going to the doctors at 430 and then I am going to Kohls khols? i don't know anyhow I am excited for that. also I am not cool enough to know how to link my survey to another page so I am just doing it here enjoy:).
(1) Your gender: female
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(3) Single?: nah
(4) Want to be?: not really
(5) Your birthday: July 30
(6) Age you act: eh depends lol
(7) Age you wish you were: 18
(8) Your height: 5'7
(9) The color of your eyes: blue-ish/green-ish/grey-ish/hazel-ish and right now like completely red
(10) Happy with it?: it's like fifty different colors so i am pretty satisfied;)
11) The color of your hair: brown-ish blackish
(12) Happy with it?: I made it this way so yeah lol
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: rightttttty
(14) Your living arrangement?: mom,dad,christopher,bandit,mollie,calie and sammie
(27) Your family: ^^
(29) What's your job: studentt
(30) Piercings?: ears and belllly button
(31) Tattoos?: none
(32) Obsessions?:hmm andrew, cats:), umm this is tough I have so many pet peeves that I obsess over I can't list them all though cause there is like 20 million.
(35) Do you speak another language? I am okay in spanish.
(36) Have a favorite quote?:either
"i thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered
but you can't stay here with every single hope you had shattered","life has been pretty good who am i kidding its been grand" or and Dmb quote.
(37) Do you have a webpage?: nope
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
(38) Do you live in the moment?: sure
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: eh I get annoyed by people really easily.
(40) Do you have any secrets?: a lot.. you cant trust anyone these days.
(41) Do you hate yourself?: not really I don't see why anyone should hate themselves.
(42) Do you like your handwriting?: it's gotten messier
(43) Do you have any bad habits?: assumptions, negativity
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people?: My eyes look good or my hair.
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:gay-o
(46) What's your biggest fear?: Possibly death or even certain deaths such as drowning or burning.
(47) Can you sing: no:( but i sing allll the time:)
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: ick
(49) Are you a loner?: I wouldn't go that far.
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I hate people like me I find them to be so annoying lol.
(52) Are you a daredevil?: one time i didn't wear my seat belt=O
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: sometimes like if I am having a "fat" day.
(54) Are you passive or aggressive?: depends I guess
(55) Have you got a ?: yes um why would you ask that..?
(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness? No idea
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself?: oh man umm maybe that I didn't eat so much lol.
(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: um beauty
(59) How do you vent?: music and talking or sleeping or writing in my diary.
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: sometimes
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: I don't like to regret I don't see the point, if you made the mistake you can't change it.
(62) Do you think life has been good so far?: no complaints
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:um just live life to it's fullest and learn from your mistakes.
(64) What do you like the most about your body?: my eyes or hair..
(65) And least?: my thighs possibly maybe my tummy. arms
(66) Do you think you are good looking?: I don't think I am bad looking.
(67) Are you confident?: Sometimes.
(68) What is the fictional character you're most like?:umm homer? hahah
69) Do people know how you feel?: sometimes.
70) Are you perceived wrongly?: eh sometimes.
(71) Smoke?: I've had a drag here and there under the influence
(72) Do drugs?: marijuana
(73) Read the newspaper?: I havn't in a while.
(74) Pray?: When I am in need yes.
(75) Go to church? em I went in Long Island for Easter.
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you?: sometimes haha.
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals?: I can't I either can't get comfortable or if I can I end up losing them cause I roll around so much when I sleep lol.
(78) Take walks in the rain?: I hate the rain. I hate being wet and cold.
(79) Talk to people even though you hate them?: I have my two faced friends haha.
(80) Drive?: with andrew sometimes
(81) Like to drive fast?: Andrew won't let me and I am scared too lol
(82) Liked your voice?: I can't really tell it sounds different to me then it does on my voicemail lol
(83) Hurt yourself?: yes
(84) Been out of the country?: Canada.
(85) Eaten something that made other people sick?: hahahaha my famous Chocolate Chip Bagel with Locks Spread mmmm.
(86) Burped?: Often:)
(87) Been unfaithful?: not to a boy but otherwise yes
(88) Been in love?: I am in love:)
(89) Done drugs?: Yes
(90) Gone skinny dipping?: em yes like last summer
(92) Had a surgery?: I don't think so
(93) Ran away from home?: my parents wouldn't buy me a guinea pig so I showed them whose boss and ended up with no guinea pig..
(94) Played strip poker: nah
(95) Gotten beaten up?: no thank god too I think I would get severly killed.
(97) Been picked on?: of course
(98) Been on stage?: yes
(99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that
you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? umm I've never gotten that drunk lol unless I don't remember;)
(100) Slept outdoors?: aawww Julies tent over the summer:) SPIDER--I still hate you for that Olivia.
(101) Thought about suicide?: No way man.
(102) Pulled an all-nighter?: not in a while I get so freaking tired.
(103) If yes, what is your record?: All-Night.. thus the phrase “ all nighter”
(105) Talked on the phone all night?: Yupp
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: yes
(107) Slept all day?: yes
(108) Killed someone?: do ants or any sort of bug count?
(109) Made out with a stranger?: hahahahah... em yes.
(110) Had sex with a stranger?: Wouldn't go that far
(111) Thought you're going crazy?: all the time
(112) Kissed the same sex?: under the influence.
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Answer me this, whats fun about messing around with someone that has the SAME things as you?
(114) Been betrayed?: ugh yes
(115) Had a dream that came true?: haha yeah actually.
(116) Broken the law?: didn't wear my seatbelt, um drove underage,drank,pot.. hmm.. oh shoplifted once though don't think I am a huge klepto people.
(117) Met a famous person?: nah well some like football and hockey players but that's it.
(118) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: umm bugs?
(146) Stolen anything?: yes.
(147) Been on radio/TV.?: yep
(148) Been in a mosh-pit?: no way man I've gotten close to those and they are scary! haha sam remember jacob and you at the soty concert ah what a good night:)
(149) Had a nervous breakdown?: yeah I like flipped out.
(150) Considered religious vocation?: I'd like to but I know I couldn't.
(151) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: no actually.
(152) Bungee jumped?: no:(
(153) Had a dream that kept coming back?: ew yeah it was creepy too:(
CLOTHES and other fashion
(154) Shoe brand?: saucony
(155) Brand of clothing?: AE / Hollister
(156) Cologne/perfume?: Warm Vanilla Sugar.
(157) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: eh skirts or sweats or jeans
(159) Wear hats?: I hate hats.
(161) Wear make-up?: sometimes.
(162) Favorite place to shop?: Hollister
(163) Favorite article of clothing?: my macy's skirt.
(164) Are you trendy?: in my own way I guess.
(165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: sometimes.
(166) Believe in life on other planets?: not really.
(167) Miracles?: yeah
(168) Astrology?: yeah
(169) Magic?: sometimes.
(170) God?: yes
(171) Satan?: no
(172) Santa?: no my brother destroyed any beliefs I had of him when I was 2.
(173) Ghosts?: sometimes hehe my mommys rings went missing and she found them in the most random spot...
(174) Luck?: yeah sometimes.
(175) Love at first sight?: eh I had no idea when I met Andrew I would love him.
(176) Yin and Yang?: eh?
(177) Witches?: not realllly.
(178) Easter bunny?: ooh yeah
(179) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Definitley
(180) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: well I am irish, so yes.
(181) Do you wish on stars?: I swear I saw shooting stars before so I wished.
(182) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: ?
(183) Do you remember your first crush?: Matthew Bard in pre-school and kindergarden okay wait is it kindergarten or kindergarden i've seen it both and why the hell would they make it so difficult when it's such a young grade?
(184) Still love him/her?: haha defiently not I heard he got really ugly
(185) Do you consider love a mistake?: if its a mistake then it never really was love.
(186) What do you find romantic?: not really sure I am not into the whole door holding buisness and what not that's just corny.
(187) Turn-on?: good sense of humor, eyes, smile, hair
(188) Turn-off?: someone i cant talk to, controlling
(189) Do you base your judgment on looks alone: I use to but that's just stupid.
(200) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: really bad I wouldn't know what to tell the person without hurting them.
(201) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: knowing them but it's always nice to meet new people:)
(202) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: not really I like that it's more a guys thing, the way I think it, if the guy doesn't ask a girl out he's either using her or just doesn't like her in that way.
(203) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: um what?
(204) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: I really couldn't tell ya.
(205) What is best about the opposite sex?: Girls are bitches plain and simple it's easier to be friends with guys although I do have a few girl friends that I love:)
(206) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: immaturity
(207) What's the last present someone gave you? um andrew bought me a bunny for easter:)
(208) Are you in love?: yes ma'am or sir?
(209) Do you consider your significant other hot?: I find andrew very attractive:)
(210) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: um try to get them to notice me or something like that.
(211) That haunted you?: um no one?
(212) You wanted to kill?: oh man...
(213) That you laughed at?: Christopher possibly?
(214) That laughed at you?: um my mommy maybe?
(215) That turned you on?: Andrew hehe not really though I don't get turned on in school usually lol.
(216) You went shopping with?: Maggie in NYC:)
(217) That broke your heart?: he knows.
(218) To disappoint you?: like I would say
(219) To ask you out?: Andrew.
(220) To make you cry?: Mommy the other night she was being cranky.
(221) To brighten up your day?: Andrews pretty good at that.
(222) That you thought about?: Andrewwww and Olivia.
(223) You saw a movie with?: Andrew, Liv and Jimmy and if you want to get technical I watched bits and parts of that Robin Williams move with Andrew, John,Will and Kevin.
(224) You talked to on the phone?: Mommy.
(225) You talked to through IM?: Christine.
(226) You saw?(not in your family): Mrs.Abbot?
(227) You lost?: spider solitaire lol
(229) You thought was completely insane?: oh man everyone at amherst is nuts lol
(230) You wanted to be?: meeee
(231) You told off?: I havn't in a while.
(232) You trusted?: hmmm not sure
(233) You turned down?: no idea
(234) Smiled?: just now
(235) Laughed?: earlier today
(236) Cried?: otherr nightt
(237) Bought something?: in nyc and some food here.
(238) Danced?: umm for a little bit at the last homecoming.
(239) Were sarcastic?: I don't know lol I always have my remarks.
(240) hugged someone?: Andrew today
(241) Talked to an ex?: umm not sure.
(242) Watched your fav. movie?: while ago.
(243) Had a nightmare?: long time ago
(245) Talked on the phone?: when I got home I had to talk to my mommy.
(246) Listened to the radio?:like 20 mins ago? my brother was trying to see if i could pick up his i trip
(247) Watched TV?: this morning.
(248) Went out?: last night for the game
(249) Helped someone?: today or yesterday?
(250) Were mean?: probably today.. lol, I don’t know
(251) Sang?: right now.
(252) Saw a movie in a theater?: the ring 2 like last week not even.
(253) Said "I love you"?: this morning i think? I tell Andrew all the time
(254) Missed someone?: right noww I feel bad Andrew doesn't even know I went home
(255) Fought with a family member?: I got in a huge fight with my mom and dad like sunday cause my mom accused me of stealing her jack daniels and i got really mad and so my dad got invovled lol
(256) Fought with a friend?: like sunday
(257) Had a serious conversation?: don't know
(258) Got drunk?: umm a month?