Dec 29, 2004 19:18
-- Name: Jamie
-- Birthdate: July 30th 1989
-- Birthplace: Boynton Beach
-- Eye Color: uh they range between blue green hazel and grey
-- Hair Color: Brunettee
-- Height: like 5'7
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Leo the lion haha
-- Your weakness: I can't say really bad at it..
-- Your fears: Death and geese scare me to an extent
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Do extremely well in school.
-- Your most overused phrases: Caw..haha
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "Its only 10 im going back to bed"
-- Your best physical feature: my eyess
-- Your bedtime: i dont have one.. thats right im too cool for one
-- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi...for those who drink young;)--ah my britney sang that once:)
-- McDonalds or Burger King: mickey d's
-- Single or group dates: I like both.. but alone time is always nice;)
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate i guess
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccinooooo
-- Smoke: occasionally
-- Cuss: if necessary. example when im pissed off.
-- Sing: hahah yeah and andrew always shh's me
-- Take a shower everyday: sometimes lol
-- Have a crush(es): yes i do
-- Do you think you've been in love: I love andrewww:)
-- Excited to go to college or university?: nah
-- Like highschool?: sometimes
-- Want to get married: yes'm
-- Believe in yourself: well im here arent i?
-- Get motion sickness: not really
-- Think you're attractive: ew, definitely not.
-- Get along with your parents: Dad's a bitch nut. I love my mom so we get along realllllly wellll
-- Like thunderstorms: i hate them i should've put this as one of my fears
-- Play an instrument? nah i play andrew's bass sometimes.. well actually only once.. i suck
In the past month, have you...
-- Drank alcohol: yeah
-- Smoked: yes like monday
-- Made out: ;) i dont kiss and tell but im sure you all know lol
-- Gone on a date: does the movies with andrew,liv,jimmy,marissa and kevin count?
-- Gone to the mall: like last week actually.
-- Been on stage: nah
-- Been dumped: nope lol
-- Gone skating: hmm no but i would enjoy some tap dancing on the ice eh sam?
-- Made homemade cookies: no lol
-- Gone skinny dipping: in december? this is no
-- Dyed your hair: nopee
-- Stolen anything: no way
Have You Ever...
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah a really long time ago.
-- Been caught doing something: no im too slick.
-- Been called a tease: hahahah actually..
-- Gotten beaten up: i've been threatend by people who are all talk lol.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: hmm, a long time ago
-- Age you hope to be married: umm like 25 or so.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: probably 2 Maddie and Theo.
-- How do you want to die: peaceful or quick
-- Where you want to go to college/university?: penn i guess
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: hmm i dont know yet its a tie between psychologist, detective, or a builder
-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland:)
In a guy...
-- Best eye color? i like the brown eyed boys:)
-- Best hair color? cant say blonde is too attractive, its so like boy bandish.
-- Short or long hair: med'ummm
-- Height: taller then me but if they arent whatever
-- Best weight: i dont care lol
-- Best articles of clothing: i dont care lol
-- Best date location: anywhere lol
-- Best kiss location: in a private place.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: alcohol and weed so like 2?
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: i have a lot.
-- Number of piercings: hmm lemme count.. 8
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I'd rather not regret..where's that going to get me?
-do you bite your nails: ugh all the time.
-can you roll your tongue: i just found out like last year that i could actuallllyy
-can you blow smoke rings: i've tried..and failed.
-can you blow spit bubbles: attractive huh?
-can you cross your eyes: yeah haha
-do you make your bed daily: beds NEVER made..
-what's sexiest on a guy: i must say those eyes, and hair.
-how often do you brush your teeth: 2-3 times a day
-do you shower/bathe: of course.
-how long do these showers last: not too need.
-hair drying method: fucking hair takes like 30 mins to blow dry
-what color is your bedroom: its blue.
-do you use an alarm clock: 3 actually..and yet.. i still dont wake up
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: easy : andrew, my friends,my mommy and food haha
-what kind of bed do you like: doubles.
-do you sleepwalk: I have
-do you talk in your sleep: i probably have.
-do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: I cant sleep without tv or my music.
had sex: like a month ago? haha jusss messing..or am i?
watched bambi: soo long ago haha
cried: been doin' a lot of that lately..
talked on the phone: sam like 10 mins ago?
read a book: reading the odyssey with english
is music important to you: most important.
what instruments do you play: did we not already establish that
what do you think of Eminem: ohhh snapppp
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: but ofcourse my boys...dave matthews band<333
pop music: yes
punk music: yes
rap music: yes
hip-hop/RB: eh, yes.
country: maybe.
jazz: sometimes
classical: it's so zen... sets the mood.. for... thinking.
hardcore: eh
indie rock: hmm, maybe.
emo: somethings
Could you live without the computer? eh, i have, but it was hard.
What's your favorite fruit? bananas
What hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional by faaaaaaaarrrrrrr
Of times you have had your heart broken? neumerous times but i dont care anymore.
Of hearts you have broken? i doubt any, lol
Of girls kissed? under the influence like 2? sober none
Of boys kissed? not many.
of drugs taken illegally? 2 this has been stated.
Of tight friends? im not sureee
Of scars on my body? many im so clumsy.
I know: that im gay.
I want: you;)
I wish: apon a star.
I hate: um you?
I miss: grampie:-/
I fear: thunderstorms
I often: caw
I hear: goo goo dolls
I like: andrew
I ache: my tummy kind of hurts.
I care: for sick people
I always: tap dance on ice i guess?
I dance: on ice hahaha
I cry: often when im upset.
I write: in my diary!
I confuse: myself easily..sad i know
I can usually be found: in my bedroom.
I swear: that i will love you forever:)
-ARE YOU A-...
Wuss: eh. when andrew and i wrestle yes.. i get scared. lol
Druggie: no way
Gang member: yeah? cause white people have gangs in amherst.
Daydreamer: nah i like cant lol.
Alcoholic: i like to drink, not excessive though.
Freak: eh when i want to be
Brat: a spoiled one
Sarcastic: yeah and my dad hates it haha
Goody-goody: eh. in a sense
Angel: angels are dead silly.
Devil: uh no he's dead too
Friend: yeeah man
Shy: not so outgoing.
Adventurous: ick. no i hate using energy haha.
Intelligent: hahahahahahhaha
Good listener: yeahh pretty much. If i care.
Your best feature [personality]: andrew says i have the best personality haha.
Most annoying thing you do: talk to much haha.
Biggest mistake you've made thus far: not sure.
Describe your personality in one word: unawkward?
A smell that makes you smile: vanilla
A city you'd like to visit: um las angelas
A drink you order most often: pepsi.
The music you prefer while alone: Why would it matter if I was alone or not?
A TV show you watch regularly: desperate housewives, im behind though:( and ofcourse simpsons.
-If you were __ , what would you be?
[a flower] umm probably a rose so everyone will love me cause everyone loves a rose:)haha
[a fruit] cantalope
[a vegetable] green beans
[a color] green or pink i guess.
[a smell] vanilla.
Short Answer
[are you left handed or right handed?] righty.
[are you smart?] no.
[what's your middle name?] Marie like everyone elses.
[how many personalities do you have?] 2. Really angry/upset, or Happy
[how many piercings do you have?] 8
[tattoos?] nope
[do you like v-8?] ick i hate tomatoes and even worse tomatoe juice.
[what was your first word?] dada or something ick.
[are you superstitious?] to an extent.
[do you read your horoscope?] when i find it necessary.
[do you believe in that stuff?] sometimes.
[can you do a cartwheel?] yes finally.
[do you have bangs?] yes
[do you have contact lenses?] nope.
[do you snore?] when im sick.
[do you drool in your sleep?] nah.
[do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?]lickkkk
[what languages do you know?] english spanish and french sortaaa
[what's the best awards show?] i get too lazy to watch the whole thing.
[do you like onions?] after 15 years of my father making them and having them burn my eyes. No.
[do you like cotton candy?] of course.
[do you like Pina coladas?] "If you like Pina Coladaaaasss, and gettin' caught in the raaain"
[what instruments can you play?]do you have a repeating problem?
[What words/sayings do you overuse?] caw
[what do you sleep in?] a bed
[whats your bedtime?] repetative..
[how many pillows do you have?] tons
[Do you like to dance?] on ice.
[do you like to sing?] yes.. sir or mam?
[are you any good at it?] hahahaha
[how many CDs do you have?] tons.
[do you like to talk on the phone?] i love too.
[you like where you live?] eh i wish i lived closer to everyone.
[is your room messy?] its desgusting haha
[do you like your writing?] eh sometimes.
[do you like to finger-paint?] i love to
[are you organized?] no lol
[what do you put on hotdogs and hamburgers?] ketchup only on hamburgers though.
[do you sleep with a stuffed animal?]my kitty my mommy bought me
[do you sleep with socks on?] If it's cold..i always wake up with them off or one off
[are you ticklish?] fucking andrew knows all my ticklish spots..haha
[do you talk to yourself?] yes :)
[is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories?] uh, 2.. and a basement. and attic
[do you have a basement or an attic?] um, read ya fucker
[are you a morning person?] no way. but andrew insists on waking me up at like 10.
[what's your favorite outfit?] the new one i just bought from hollister
[do you believe in ghosts?] boooooo, yes!
[what's your favorite feature (on yourself)] eyeballs not the color not the pupil the whole ball
[what do you do when you're nervous?] bite nails, fidgit, hold my stomache.
*Called You: andrew
*Slept In Your Bed: meee
*Saw You Cry: um, it was a while agooo.
*Made You Cry: it wasnt a person really.
*Punched You: i dont know lol
*Hugged You: andrew or mom.
*who were u at the mall with last: marissa.
*Yelled at you: andrew haha
*Gave you flowers: umm i keep saying andrew but.. he gave me a corsage for homecoming
*Bought you clothes: meeeeee
*Been To New York?: mmhmm
*Been To Florida?: born there.. so yea
*California?: nah i want to though
*Hawaii?: Nah
*China?: haha, nope.
*Canada?: sure have.
*Danced Naked: in the shower i guess lol
*Stalked Someone?: haha no
*Had A Mud Bath?: That does not sound appealing whatsoever.
*Wished You Were The Opposite Sex?: nah.
*Had An Imaginary Friend?: hahahahah sarah... she jumped out of my grandpas car but came back alive..cause i was a lonely kid.
*Kissed someone with bad breath?: sure have. ick.
*Been scared ur breath was bad?: sometimes.
*Had emotionless sex?: is there such?
*Tried to suduce someone?: haha seduce has so many meanings..sexually sure..trying to pursued someone to do something im so good at that.
*glad to be done ?: oh man done already.