(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 17:29

I have nothing really to say. Im sooo bored so I will just write pointless thingss....actually im doing a survey like it or not..SIMPLE QUESTIONS:

What time is it?8:38
What is your name?Jamie
What is your birthday?July 30th
How many sibs do you have?1
What are your sibs names?Christopher
Do you have a job?no
If yes, where?
If no to #5, Where do you wanna work?anywhere i need money
Do you have a car?no
What kinda car do you have/want?jetta

Movie:Rookie of the year
Song:Dancing Nancies or Two Step
Singer:Britney Spears
TV Show:Simpsons
TV Channel:eh they're all good
Actor:Adam Sandler
Actress:Resse Witherspoon
Comic:umm garfield?
Food:Pizza or Green Beans
Snack:Apple Sauce
Drink:Diet Vanilla Pepsi
CD-ROM Game:dont have onee but i use to love goosebumps
Board Game:clue
Card Game:fish haha
Kid Game:Chutes and Ladders
Character:Patrick from spongebob
Disney Character:umm id have to sayyy....Cinderella i guess lol
Color:pink and green
Hair Color:brownn
Time of the day:bedtime
Day of the week:friday
Week of the month:? lol
Month of the Year:July

Do you plan on having children:yes
Do you want to get married:yes
How old do you wanna be when you have your first child:28, 30?
How old do you wanna be when your married:26?
Would you have kids before marriage?nope
What would you name the boy?Theo or Adam
What would you name the girl?Ailynn
Do you have a b/f or g/f (who):yesss (andrew<3)
Do you have a crush?:Andrew I guess lol
What time is it now?:8:44
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