May 12, 2004 21:05
i just don't get how you can say those things and take them back in a snap. say 'i was just kidding' and finsh it off with a laugh. point and laugh then bitch when some corrects it. tell lies and keep them going until the end. I hope I'll never be like you swore to a life of approvel of others. I hope that you could find your own way and shut the fuck up cause i don't give a fuck
i'm so fucking pissed off right now and i hate the way some ppl act. i just want to say shut the fuck up i don't care but then i forget that i am a nice person and nice people don't say that kind of stuff. but i'm sick of these damn people and there fucking groups or what have you. im fucking mumbling but im pisse doff. you sit there and bitch and then everything you bitched about that didn't happen did. i fucking hate that. so i fall back on my fucking old ways but it feels like its the only way. i know it is i feel like shit and im sick of it. i put my self down all the time and im sick of fucking feeling like i don't matter.
How come no one is ever fucking there when i need them and i never get to do a fucking thing with anyone. but i really don't get when i need someone they are not there and i have such a hard fucking time tell ppl how i feel telling them how i deal and whats my deal. im so fucking sick of being unhappy i write about this alot but i just want to be happy. Happy with myslef happy with who i am which is something i haven't done or felt in such a long time.
Why isn't anyone fucking here.......ass butch fuck...
sry i had a really fucking bad day and i just want it to end.
i want someone i need someone but that someone is no one does that make any fucking sence but its how i fell i can't even express how i feel i hate everything i hate everyone right now and i just need to shut the fuck up
tearin up too much so fuck this shit im goin to bed