Pokemon Tomy Figures (Permanent Sales Post)

Aug 31, 2014 18:40

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dittochu, fortress, crobat, alakazaam, tentacruel, snubbull, eevee, lickytung, pelipper, espeon, noctowl, psa 10, gloom, weezing, gengar, moncolle, pikachu, delibird, tomypokemon, ash noctowl, kingdra, qwilfish, electrode, lanturn, corphish, zapdos, starvia, pokemon tomy, electabuzz, grimer, fearow, clefairy, seadra, remoraid, azumarill, pachiritsu, igglypuff, whismur, moncolle collection, tangela, ampharos, sunflora, chansey, politoed, takara tomy, pokemon trading cards, tentacool, marowak, voltorb, octillery, omanyte, slowking, wynaut, sandslash, flaaffy, kricketune, monkore collection, pokemonxy, mareep, golbat, ariados, hippopotas, pokemonfigures, seadot, azelf, prinplup, machoke, meowth, skiploom, dewgong, ekans, dratini, giraffig, jolteon, scyther, yanma, cleffa, psyduck, wailmer, grandbull, monkore, poliwrath, nidoran, corsola, plasma blast, stantler, deoxys, golem, archeops, slugma, clamperl, croconaw, omastar, next destinies, latios, zangoose, nidoking, machop, poochyena, gabite, cloyster, auldey tomy, staraptor, tcg, houndoom, mankey, donphan, yanmega, togetic, tomy, tyrogue, slowpoke, torterra, moltres, koffing, rhyhorn, ambipom, quagsire, kabutops, shiny noctowl, aipoms, kyogre, hariyama, pokemon psa, beautifly, machamp, ditto, rattata, poliwag, pokemontomy, sunkern, psa pokemon, gliggar, lickilicky, muk, parasect, smoochum, moncollecollection, takaratomy, xatu, arcanine, vaporeon, sandshrew, houndour, aerodactyl, swellow, seaking, meditite, absol, snobull, chinchou, golduck, furious fists, munchlax, spinark, garchomp, pocketmonsters, zubat, starly celebi, slowbro, mewtwo, magmortar, gastly, smeargle, pokemontoys, vileplume, tediursa, raichu, cyndaquil, uxie, kabuto, phanpy, nidoqueen, misdreavus, bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur charmander ch, zoroark, pokemon cards, psa pokemon cards, poliwhirl, kss, tepig, articuno, rhydon, horsea, flash fire, torchic, growlithe, leafeon, venomoth, budew, hoppip, doduo, bellosom, squirtle, bayleaf, xy, heracross, marill, spearow, magby, latias, metapod, magcargo, ninjask, venonat, ferligatr, drowzee, nintendo, steelix, mew, paras, thundurus, bellsprout, arbok, graveler, forsale, tauros, porygon 2, shellder, spinarak, pokemon, taillow, goldeen, dragons exalted, seel, shaymin, aggron, magikarp, roselia

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mewten September 20 2014, 08:25:25 UTC
Can I please request additional pictures/details of Porygon2?
Does it have any notable flaws such as messy paint, scratches, etc?
I'm very interested if it's in great condition.


stephysanrio September 20 2014, 11:07:46 UTC
I added the pictures check the comments


stephysanrio September 20 2014, 19:47:16 UTC

... )


mewten September 21 2014, 03:00:29 UTC
Oh, that is perfect, I'll take it :D
To 60124 US


stephysanrio September 21 2014, 03:14:44 UTC
It'd be $35 with tracking if that's fine send payment to sales@rainbowburst.com and under notes let me know what you bought and your username let me know, Thank You!


mewten September 21 2014, 03:33:17 UTC
Sent :D


stephysanrio September 21 2014, 03:36:36 UTC
Got it! I will ship Monday I use PayPal shipping so it will update automatically and show the tracking on the transaction! =D if you have any question feel free to contact me :3


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