Aug 31, 2014 18:40
dittochu, fortress, crobat, alakazaam, tentacruel, snubbull, eevee, lickytung, pelipper, espeon, noctowl, psa 10, gloom, weezing, gengar, moncolle, pikachu, delibird, tomypokemon, ash noctowl, kingdra, qwilfish, electrode, lanturn, corphish, zapdos, starvia, pokemon tomy, electabuzz, grimer, fearow, clefairy, seadra, remoraid, azumarill, pachiritsu, igglypuff, whismur, moncolle collection, tangela, ampharos, sunflora, chansey, politoed, takara tomy, pokemon trading cards, tentacool, marowak, voltorb, octillery, omanyte, slowking, wynaut, sandslash, flaaffy, kricketune, monkore collection, pokemonxy, mareep, golbat, ariados, hippopotas, pokemonfigures, seadot, azelf, prinplup, machoke, meowth, skiploom, dewgong, ekans, dratini, giraffig, jolteon, scyther, yanma, cleffa, psyduck, wailmer, grandbull, monkore, poliwrath, nidoran, corsola, plasma blast, stantler, deoxys, golem, archeops, slugma, clamperl, croconaw, omastar, next destinies, latios, zangoose, nidoking, machop, poochyena, gabite, cloyster, auldey tomy, staraptor, tcg, houndoom, mankey, donphan, yanmega, togetic, tomy, tyrogue, slowpoke, torterra, moltres, koffing, rhyhorn, ambipom, quagsire, kabutops, shiny noctowl, aipoms, kyogre, hariyama, pokemon psa, beautifly, machamp, ditto, rattata, poliwag, pokemontomy, sunkern, psa pokemon, gliggar, lickilicky, muk, parasect, smoochum, moncollecollection, takaratomy, xatu, arcanine, vaporeon, sandshrew, houndour, aerodactyl, swellow, seaking, meditite, absol, snobull, chinchou, golduck, furious fists, munchlax, spinark, garchomp, pocketmonsters, zubat, starly celebi, slowbro, mewtwo, magmortar, gastly, smeargle, pokemontoys, vileplume, tediursa, raichu, cyndaquil, uxie, kabuto, phanpy, nidoqueen, misdreavus, bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur charmander ch, zoroark, pokemon cards, psa pokemon cards, poliwhirl, kss, tepig, articuno, rhydon, horsea, flash fire, torchic, growlithe, leafeon, venomoth, budew, hoppip, doduo, bellosom, squirtle, bayleaf, xy, heracross, marill, spearow, magby, latias, metapod, magcargo, ninjask, venonat, ferligatr, drowzee, nintendo, steelix, mew, paras, thundurus, bellsprout, arbok, graveler, forsale, tauros, porygon 2, shellder, spinarak, pokemon, taillow, goldeen, dragons exalted, seel, shaymin, aggron, magikarp, roselia
Does it have any notable flaws such as messy paint, scratches, etc?
I'm very interested if it's in great condition.
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