Apr 17, 2007 13:37
its been a year at college and this is for sure the fastest a year has ever gone by
the most that has ever happened within a year happened in this one
i felt the most happy
the most secure
the most together
the most loved and
also have never felt more pain, more insecure, more unorganized, and more alone.
I guess that's all normal for your first year away at college
When i think about all my classes ending i get this weird mix of emotions
im scared to go home and leave the home i made in tally
im so happy to go home cause im kinda sick of tally and so homesick
but its weird not really having a home or a set way of life- i feel like everything changes every semester and who i meet and what i do completely depends on my classes and schedule--its really weird how things change day to day
but i have learned that in college
the only constant is change
and i guess theres really nothing wrong with that
im learning to grow up with myself and it's a really cool experience
this summer is going to be another crazy one i can already tell.