Feb 08, 2005 18:19
for the sake of announcement: I'M IN MY NEW PLACE AND I'M LOVIN IT!...that sounded like a mcdonalds commercial..
well i'm in my new place and i'm taking advantage of the free aol cd that ever so conviently arrived in the mail. 50 days 1099 hours people..it works if ya work it.
its been nice living alone..i have alot of time to do stuff that i dont always find the time for, like..filling button orders and working on spastic databases that dont cooperate for shit.
i've only been here for a couple weeks, but its great. kinda lonely sometimes, but watches comes and spends weekends with me, so thats cool. She's the best..she's been helpin out with groceries and stuff.
anyways..tomorrows also my birthday, so i'll be expecting calls from all...if you dont have my number get it from someone who does!
we have a gig on saturday..watches' nephews bday party..oh ya..our first preteen bday party..tis allll good..puts 200 in the emitseven fund for some good equiptment!
we're also starting to book shows, cause adelphia's cable access show is going to be a show on us and want to bring there camera's to one of our gigs to record it.
we also have another riverside local station show to do, so that should be interesting.
wish us luck.
i'm gonna go eat now.