Dear Natalie Portman,
It has come to my attention that you are dating
this guy. As spokesperson for the entire human race I would like to express our collective opinion: what the deuce? After wiki/youtube/myspace stalking him I have decided that although I like his music he is just a little bit weird. Was it the music that drew you in? A kindred love of philosophy and alternative culture? His mixed racial parenting? The hair? Because if it's the hair I'd like you to know my hair is also long, dark and out of control. Just saying.
Anyway hope things are well with you and you're keeping busy doing what you do best*.
Kind regards etc.
*being awesome.
NEWSFLASH. Urgent update about Natalie Portman's love life: apparently they broke up last year in September. Man where have I been? Now I feel bad for dissing the guy.
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