May 03, 2004 16:45
ok i am sorry i dont live up to my mother expectaions. I get yelled at called stupid,worthless, and ugly. I cant seem to please my mother in whatever i do. i am a huge dissapointment to her ans i am startign to believe that. I maek myself sick by nto sleepign and studign by skipign meals to do homework..its just to hard to keep up to her. i hate it i try to talk to her but nothing works. i get a D on a test and my mother freaks out and thinks it is the end of the world. i get pussed down thinkign i really dotn know anything. I dont even fit in my mothers crtieria on how to look. i am not a skinny barbie, my face does get breakouts, and i cant control my exzema. My mom has told me i deserve all the bad that has happened to me and i cant take it any more i cant. i now it will get better soon btu i still love her and all and i knwo she wants teh best for me but i cant do all of it......i hate it when her moods pop up all of the sudden.