Jul 25, 2005 02:27
Supposedly, I shall be informed of my housing situation this week. :o/
I really dislike people who are arrogant/snobby/full of themselves/show-offy/etc.
Gatorade Lemonade is good.
ABC Family's movie, Pizza My Heart, was incredibly cheesy. Just... looking at the name, I knew it was going to be somewhat bad, but... wow. lol. I laughed anyway, though. Come on, I'm a girl, and it was a cheesy ABC Family chick flick. I had to watch it. It's just, like, one of those things we do.
On Tuesday, at 9 AM, I have a dentist appointment. Fun.
You know what? Low self esteem/confidence can come in handy sometimes. It's really not all bad.
So, Mike and I have been going out for like two months. And, of those two months, we've spent probably at least an average of every other day together. Which would be 1 out of every 2 days. At least. Impressive, no? It seriously feels like I've been with him for... a really long time. I feel like he knows everything about me... my likes and dislikes, my moods, just everything. And that's pretty damn cool. Even cooler is that we don't get sick of each other. :o)
I've been making lists. College lists. One of large/expensive items that I need, crossing off what I already have. Another of all the things I want to take with me... which movies, books, etc. Yet another of the things that I'll need money for during the year... things that I have to pay for each month or whatever. In addition to my cell phone bill, that list includes toiletries, paper products, allergy medicine, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc. While I have not been able to make up a budget, as my mind just does not work that way, I think I can sit down with my dad with the lists I've made up and figure out about how much money I need now, and how much I'll need each month, and if he's going to help me with my cell phone bill at all each month, etc.
It looks like the main things I need to get before school starts are...
-Twin extra long sheets (I'm thinking two sets, plus extra pillow cases, because those get changed more often, plus, I use two pillows at a time.)
-Mattress pad, twin extra long
-Towels (I don't like any of the ones we have that much, & we don't have enough for me to take a couple with me anyway.)
-Hamper (I want one that stands upright & has handles.)
-Shower caddy
-(Possibly) desk lamp
-Dry erase board (& bulletin board?)
-(Possibly) shower curtain
-(Possibly) bathroom rug
-Sneakers (Both of mine no longer provide cushioning & comfort, so I need new ones, preferably ones designed for high arch feet.)
I want to get all my SK clothing to Gram ASAP so that she can begin my quilt. I'll definitely want it in the winter, though I don't know if she'll be able to get it done that quickly. First, I need to consult with my mother about which pieces of clothing to send. Like, should I really include all my boxers, all my kilts, and all my polos? Or just one of each? That kind of thing. Then, we have to write up exactly what I want done, in detail. Finally, we either have to send it all up to her, which would probably cost quite a bit, or bring it up the next time we go up there.
Before today, I hadn't been to SP Golf, or any golf place, in several weeks, and so my swing was not looking good today. Bummer. It's my fault, though, and I know it. I just wish I hadn't let it decline so much.
Well, I'm starting to drift off. I think there was more that I wanted to say, but I can no longer even keep my eyes open. So.... I'm going to bed. Yeah.