Ahh finally...

Jun 18, 2005 11:31

Yesterday was one of THE best days I can like seriously ever remember! I found out that I got a 93 on my Palizzi final, meaning I got an A in the class! I got an 89 on my spanish final which I maybe studied for about 1 minute for meaning I have an A in that class! And my chem final was pretty easy and I could get 21 out of 60 questions wrong to keep my A... so we can assume I have an A in that class! And then after school I went to Subway with Andrea, Steven, Bec and Alexander. That was fun.. we saw Senor there! haha we tried to get him to order his sub in spanish but he wouldn't. He refuses to speak any english all year in spanish class but then all of a sudden at subway he won't speak it?! COME ON! lol anyway...

Then we dropped Andrea off at home and Steven went CAR SHOPPING and Alexander and I went to Bec's house! It was fun we looked at pictures, listened to music, and the best part was our paddle boat adventure on the lake. We took it out and we decided to go to the beach/park across the lake so we get there and we started taking pictures and we got all artsy and cool and ended up taking like 50. They're sweet. THEN we went back to Bec's and watched The Breakfast Club, love that movie!!

Uhh then Bec went to JB's grad party so me and Alex went to Alex's house for little. We played PIG outside, its a tradition now haha. I beat him!! :) So yeah then we headed over to E-Mo's bonfire!!!! It was SO fun and such a great way to see like EVERYONE before we all go our seperate ways to camps and stuff. Like seriously there were 50 people there just playing volleyball, football, sitting by the fire, going in the lake, it was awesome. :) Great partay Em!!! hehe

Yeah so today's gonna be fun too, Julie's Sweet 16 tonight!!

Here's all the pictures from yesterday..
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