Justin Timberlake....

May 25, 2007 11:10

Finally, I have seen a movie with Justin Timberlake that didn't make me go 'What the fuck?!' when it ended!

Let me begin with the movies that did make me cringe and confused at his acting skills, or lack there of.

1. Black Snake Moan - I still have no clue what the point of this movie was or why I even watched the whole thing. I did have to watch it in pieces to finish it. Justin was only in the beginning & end but his acting was hy-ster-i-cal. Kid tries wayyyyy too hard and overdoes everything. I believe this is due in part to his training on MMC where it was to be comical to overdo everyhing.

2. Alpha Dog - Justin as the ghetto kid with a heart was just fabulous. The scene where Justin becomes a killer is fantastic but other than that, he overdid everything.

3.Edison - The movie had great potential, the storyline sounded good but why did a movie with all these Oscar winning actors go straight to video do you ask - because it SUCKED! I don't get it. Justin played a cute little white boy but his lines were never delivered on time and he seemed out of place. The kid needs to do a comedic role because that's all he knows and from his MMC days and stupid little things thru Nsync, I know he has comedic timing.

4. Model Behavior - TV Disney movie from 2000 that was worthy enough to put on VHS but Justin was just funny as can be in it. In a sappy scene where he is telling the girl that he loves her and such, his voice gets all squeeky and he is concentrating so hard, it looks like he is gonna explode. I love him and I love this movie cause it makes me laugh when it isn't supposed to!

And now, the movie that had the dumbest storyline but cracked me up with Justin has to be Shrek the Third. I watched it purely because it was Justin and I was hoping he wasn't as horrible as an actor as I though. He is still bad but this movie was comedy so he was good at delivering the lines. And they made his character look like this 'younger' Justin. Sooo reminded me of the early Nsync years. Artie was an idiot and it was awesomely horrible. I loved it, and I haven't even seen Shrek 2. Yeah, I know, I'm a dork.
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