Apr 05, 2005 19:17
Ho hum. Good day. Forgot to take down Mr. Arkell's attendance. Dammit! Eric and I usually stand outside of his class during the layover period (we have third and fourth spare) and make fake binoculars with our hands and stare at him until he waves. And yes, it gets tricky when he doesn't wave. Well anyways, he comes up to me one day and says, "Well, at least you can take down my attendance." And so we did.
Nikola coughed up a piece of hard/rubbery snot and showed me. I had to stand by the garbage can because i thought i was going to throw up. I guesss it's a step up from having run to the whiteboard and erase "Pope" or "Papacy" every time she writes it. What a rebel.
SO many Pope jokes going around!!! I try not to laugh...God already smited me with a vivid Mike Lewis sex dream.
I wonder what prom is going to be like. I think it could go either way- tremendously good or tremendously crappy. This means it is in my hands, so i'll make it tremendously good. And if i don't have a good time, i will go where the wind takes me and find true happiness. The end.