As some of you know, my oldest brother (and his wife) own a Japanese Anime store in Aurora, CO. They (along with everyone else in the "good" anime circles here in Denver) make is a point to keep anime fans knowledgable about bootleg merchandise and, even though it's cheap, it's not good for the industry and it's (basically) illegal. There is a nearby "competitor" who sells quite a bit of this bootleg merchandise and is getting away with it all the way to the bank. This article just came out in our local free newspaper called "The Westword". Please click the link and read the article. Let me know, honestly, what you think of the situation and about the article itself. We were hoping that the article would shed a little dark light on "Animeniacs" but it honestly didn't make him look like THAT bad of a guy. Of course, I know how I feel about it (lock him up and throw away the key), but I wonder what (as my brother says) average Joe thinks.