very interesting...........

Dec 19, 2006 18:10

1) Drinking Buddy of The Year?
Bridget!! Tee hee hee...oh, limp bizkit...runners up are Centine, and of course Sherise.
2) Lifetime service award - Longest friend?
Dendy, Ally, Claire, Shaz, uh....such and such
3) High Point of the year?
Ha ha ha! Many. J, V, P, S, moving into 'Casa de Awesome', hooking up with some highly attractive boys, having the greatest kiss of my life etc
4) Low point of the year?
Again...V, P, Casa de Awesome, etc.
5) Best holiday?
N/A. Fuckass! :(
6) Anthem for 2006?
Maybe...the clash? Or, Riot Girls.
7) Any regrets?
Having a bath, moving in with family, drinking for the last twelve days straight and not sleeping.
8) Best Night out?
Trashy 80's party, Heros and Villains, various nights at Cooneys, various nights at patrick and co., gaynor and casa de awesome, vanilla room and slurry hills party, gurlesque, dancing in Mardi Gras! GIRL NIGHT etc etc
9) Worst Night out?
Hahaha, after Mardi Gras party, sleeping at central station.
10) Who did you spend your valentines with?
11) Best relationship?
The one between me and reel big fish. My love for them will never, EVER end. Oh! And how could I forget PRINCESS JASMINE??? HA HA HA!!
12) Worst relationship?
You. Hehe.
13) First Gig of the year?
Big Day Out
14) Last gig of the year?
The Porkers!
15) Best gig of the year?
Oooh. Not that ive been to many but they were all great...Kings of Leon wins on sheer size and greatness of company.
16) Game of the year?
HAHAHAHAHAH. Booze. You're damn right.
17) Have you changed a lot in the last year?
Maybe I grew up a tiny bit? Not much, if at all.
18) Fav new friend?
Hahaha, all the random people i met this year....much too many to name. Or remember. They may well have been figments of my intoxicated imagination ;)
19) What is the most significant thing you learned in 2006?
Plagarise!! PLAGARISE EVERYTHING YOU CAN!!! Don't talk potatoes with strangers. Act like an immature ho, because it's fun. Uh....drink. Drink heavily.
20) Resolution for next year?
Hahaha...quit dirnking? No, I'm totally kidding. Maybe....focus. Get some direction. Towards the mall.
21) Best hook up of the year?
All of them. Tee hee. Actually no, big day out. Yee haw.
22) CD of the year?
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not, and Our Live Album is Better Than Your Live Album - Reel Big Fish.
23) Favorite drink of the year?
One of the ones I drank out of a Coconut!!! WOO!! YEAH!! And all the amazing cocktails I had at the vanilla room in syd.
24) Best hangover of the year?
Hahaha! This one. I made up a song it's called 'The Never-ending Mucus' (to the tune of the neverending story)
25) Love? Is for LOSERS. HA HA HA.
26) Best Moment?
Hehe! Chin stroking, beating people up with a loaf of bread, running through sprinklers, CN, JE, UI, etc.
27) Quote that best sums up the year?

"This is the kind of line you need to dry hump your way to the front of."
Sums up the year, and quite profoundly too.

28) Would you relive this year?
Yes and no. All in all, it was a fnatastic year. But I'm excited about next. So, if the question is, "If your life turned into that movie 'Ground Hog Day' with Tom Hanks and you had to keep living a year of your life over and over again, would you choose this one?" the answer would be maybe. BUT, if the question was "Would you rather live this year over and over again or move onto next?" the answer would be MOVE ON, BABY! (Be, specific, be-e specific!)
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