Blog me.

Apr 16, 2008 15:49

Blogging is such a fun concept to me, especially when you get the bloggers that have a large reader/commenting following.
I've been reading blogs for approx. 5 1/2 to 6 years now. For me it began with Diaryland. My ex boyfriends girlfriend (Hi, Bridget!) had a diaryland, and because I was immature and nosy, I also created one. Through diaryland I discovered one of my favorite bloggers of all time, Linda ( She used to have a Diaryland, and then that progressed into having her own site. I have followed her all along the way. She makes me laugh and I've watched her go from wanting no children at all to being one of the greatest, most honest mommies I've had the pleasure of observing. Through Linda I have discovered so many awesome blogs! There are so many interesting people out there that have really great, funny, intelligent, helpful, useful, and entertaining ideas and thoughts (blog links to come at the end).
I have stuck with livejournal only because I blog for me, I truly treat this as my journal. I like the freedom to keep things private, or make things public if I so choose. I would like to think that if I did have a public blog I would be clever and creative enough to maintain it and create even a small following, but that kind of pressure scares me.
This all has to do with why I have started making some of my entries public. My life has become so much fun and I feel like I want people to know what is going on and how much I am enjoying myself (and my fiance!). On top of that, I have enjoyed getting to know the guys and gals that I read every day so much and I think it's hardly fair that they don't have the opportunity to get to know me as a person in return. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I think I'm this really great person that everyone should have a chance to know, it's not like that. It's more like, I've never really been one to enjoy a one sided friendship, whether it be real life or on the interwebs.
So this is my attempt to get my feet wet in the blog world. Who knows where things will go from here? I may end up hating it and going back to the comfortable world of private writing, or I could very well improve my writing skills and become more and more comfortable being myself to anyone that wants to get to know me.
So anyways, here is my blog role. These are the folks that inspire me and make me laugh and cry and give me the feeling that my circle of friends extend far beyond the borders of North Carolina.
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