Iam so excited I cant contain myself anymore! I get my first ultrasound on January 28th! Its only 3 weeks away! I will be able to find out the sex of the baby and see him/her for the first time! From the last time when I was pregnant with Patrick this was my favorite part! Its just so exciting to be able to see those face, hands, toes, and of course if everything goes good find out the sex of the baby. Im one of those people that cant wait to find out the sex of the baby. Im soooo impatient when it comes to the stuff like that.
Everything else is going well. Im feeling pretty well. I found out that I have some sort of infection in my bladder, but my doctor says its pretty common they just want to take care of it quickly. I am taking a pill (I cannot remember the name) to make it go away. The baby hasnt quite moved a whole lot yet, may have felt a few flutters but thats about it. Thats another thing that is so awesome when you get to feel the baby move for the first time. Ahh I can wait to see this little bundly of joy!
Well here are a few pictures of Patrick from his Birthday. I know Im a little late posting it but hey never late the never right! ;)