Oct 20, 2007 18:58
Well I had to take my son into minor emegerency for the first time. He had some kind of bite or something on his thumb. It swelled up really big on the tip part of the thumb. I noticed it yesterday but it got worse today. So after work I took him to see a doctor. He doesnt like doctors very much, he cried the whole time. It was pretty sad seeing him like that. I just wanted to pick him up and hold him, but I knew I couldnt since the doctor was trying to drain it. I think the major reason why he hates the doctor is that he fears that he is going to get a shot, which I dont blame him. Well now I have to give him antibiotics and put neosporin on it so it can heal. Overall he should be fine. This was the first time I have taken him to minor emergency. I think he did pretty well for a 1 1/2 year old. I gave him a cookie just for being so good. :)