May 12, 2005 23:48
so its like almost midnight and i have the flu and i realized what better time to update my lj lol i dont even have anything exciting to write i just felt the need to write somehting to show im still alive..... the flu sucks i got it from my stupid baby cousin....for some reason it never occured to me that u can get sick from a baby.... and now that i think about it i realized why wouldnt u be able to get sick form a baby they have germs just like big people... so anyways the little bugger got me sick.... but i got to miss one and a hlaf days of schoool but i must go tommarow cause its friday and if i dont it could put a damper on my weekend plans not that there is naything super exicitng going on im sure ....the days of good times have seemed to die lately... i miss them... well anyways i guess ill go to bed the alka selzter night time is starting to kick in... ps. it tastes so foul like distugsting i would rather swallow down my own vomit then drink it ok maybe the vomit was exagrerating but its real nasty