Parts of La Carretera (the Road) that I like

May 31, 2011 22:37

Sorry I don't have the english The Road. This is the best I could do.

Soñaba que ella estaba enferma y que el la cuidaba. El sueño transmitia una apariencia de sacrificio pero el pensaba de otra manera. No la cuido y ella murio a solas en la oscuridad y no hay ningun otro sueño ni otro mundo de vigilia y no hay ninguna otra historia que contar.

He dreamed that she was ill and that he took care of her. The dream gave the appearance of sacrifice, but he thought otherwise. He did not take care of her and she died alone in the dark and there is no other dreaming or waking into another world and there is no other story to tell. (My translation of Google's translation)

Olvidas lo que quieres recordar y recuerdas lo que quieres olvidar.

Forget what you remember and remember what you forget.

Noches mas tenebrosas que las tinieblas y cada uno de los dias mas gris que el dia anterior.

Nights more darker than darkness and each of the days grayer than the last. (my translation of Google's translation)

And of course:
Si el no es la palabra de dios, dios no ha hablado nunca.

If he is not the word of God, then God never spoke. (I remembered this line from the English version)


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