"First Set in No Particular Order of the 100 Things to Do Before the Body Designed by Hundreds of Thousands of Years of Evolution and Not God Inevitably Gives Out and I Cease to Exist in ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER Except as Atoms:"
- Live in London again
- Celebrate a 10-20-or 30 year anniversary!
- Have fewer than 3 cats.
- Own a house
- Finish the Saturday NYT crossword without cheating
- Create a database that people use after I've left this job
- Attend a HS reunion looking ridiculously awesome and successful
- Read everything by Dostoevsky
- Read all Jane Austen's novels (I've only read 1!)
- Walk a red carpet with Edward because he got nominated for some award somewhere
- Improve my library skills
- Sing in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (choir not solo)
- Play my violin half-decently
- Install plumbing fixtures by myself!
- Get a 2nd master's for free