50% Public and 50% Friends Only.
Definition of the word Friend.
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. 2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter. 3. a person who is on good terms with another.
Only add me if you :
- Like or have an obsession over J-pop or K-pop fandom.
- Can bare with my ranting and spazzing.
- Can talk to me. You don't have to comment on my every single post, at least once in a while so I know that you're still there and not dead yet. :D
And so that's it! If you're sure about adding me, then please comment here, at least I should know your name before adding you right? :) If you add me without commenting I'll assume that you only want to watch me; I will not add you back in that case.
More about me on my profile page and from now on all of my music sharing post will be upload at
wonderlin. If you only want to add me because of my music then don't. Go to the community instead. For this journal I will only post up my graphic works and other stuff that I want to. You're not missing anything out even if you don't add me, but if you still insist then go ahead! :D
and now your chance to join this lovely community XD go go GO!
wonderlin wonderlin wonderlin wonderlin wonderlin wonderlin wonderlin