Feb 17, 2006 21:45
so my sisters came home today...they make me smile. i missed them a bunch!! in a way they make me sad cuz we're all growing up...ahhha kinda hard to explain..guess you have to have that rare sister bond that we have!! :) haha
we are celebrating my madre's birthday this weekend....it shall be fun!!
lindsays turns 21 very soon....she's about to get hype!
i've had a lot on my mind the past couple days....too much actually
i don't know what I'm looking there...and I don't know what's there? all i know is that you're...gone.
made a new friend tonight...haha sweet
chicago got me all excited...one weekend to be with the girls that i have pretty much grown up with is awesome! can't wait!
i want to do something really random and fun...whose down?!?!?!