(no subject)

Jun 22, 2009 11:22

As I was falling asleep last night, I dreamt I was in the passenger seat of a car. I'm not certain who was driving, because I never looked to my left. We were driving though the countryside of Pennsylvania- like the kind of scenery you see when taking 422 from Indiana to Niles.
And there was a man sitting on the side of the road. He had short-ish, dark hair, and a black leather jacket. His back was to the road, and he was sitting on the ground, cross-legged, with an acoustic guitar in his lap, like he was about to play, or had just finished playing. But he wasn't playing at this particular moment.
The odd thing was that when looking out the front windshield, he wasn't visible. It wasn't until the car I was in passed him that I could see him there.
And some how, I knew that he was after some thing, and I had to prevent him from getting to it. I don't know what the thing was, but it was being kept at a daycare center that was no longer in use. The front of the daycare looked kind of like an old west saloon type thing. But I could only seem to view the daycare from the right side of the building. The parking lot in the front of the building was asphalt, and it was cracked all over and grass and other plants were growing up through the cracks.
(Here's a drawing I did real quick of the daycare area from the angle I was able to view it from. )
I, and whoever was driving the car, knew that we had to destroy the daycare before the guitar guy got there, to keep him from getting the thing.
There was a slight sense of urgency about the whole thing, despite the fact that I was in a car and guitar guy wasn't even moving anywhere. But we still had to hurry to beat him to the daycare.

The entirety of the dream lasted about three or four seconds. Just enough time to be looking out the front windshield and see no one, and then to pass by the guitar guy
The parts about the daycare were more like memories, or things that I just knew. In the dream, I never was actually at the daycare or anything like that.


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