This Week in Anime

Nov 01, 2008 23:14

This Week

Toradora! (First Impressions)

I hesitantly picked up this show because all the negative comments stemming from how poorly it's adapted from its novel and manga version. I kinda watched it with low expectations, but was pleasantly surprised. I mean, there's a ton of stuff that could be done better, there many times I went "It was already good enough in the manga, they didn't need to change it..." but i still enjoyed watching it. As long things as entertaining I can forgive. (Even terrible shows).

Another thing that I liked about Toradora is that it's not really a overdone harem or ecchi show. Since I'm not the target audience for any of those genres, stuff like that just irks me and ruins my enjoyment of the show. I'm thankful there aren't any in the face panty shots or full screen jiggling boobs every scene.

Also, I really like the protagonist Ryuuji. I think for someone like me, it's important to have likable male protagonist. Ryuuji isn't a bishie, but he can cook and is a genuinely nice guy, so that's many plus points for me. I can only so much tolerate pathetic male leads who are so weak/pervy that I think they don't deserve a harem at all. (Similar rules apply to shoujo). Taiga on the other hand is quite abusive, but tsunderes don't bother me.

I think I've been watching too much Gintama.  Most people go "SHANA!!" everytime Taiga goes "Urusai!". For me, however, I can't stop expecting to hear some ~ARU! ~ARU!'s coming out of her mouth. Plus she's using a deeper voice than Shana and Louise. It's a lot closer to Kagura. I can't stop associating Kitamura with Shinpachi too. AGHHHH.

Other shows I'm following: (Short comments)
Skip Beat!: One of the few shoujo series I avidly follow. I'm having problem with the subbed version >__> HD formats never play nicely on my computer.. However, I am enjoying this show, it follows the manga quite faithfully (so far). The only thing bugging me is the animation quality. It's not that bad, but it's a little irksome in the OP, when the music has a nice beat, but there's still some parts aren't really "animated'. I mean, I kinda understand if the animation in the episode is so-so, but aren't OP usually supposed to be little more spiffed up? But nitpicking aside, I love Skip Beat!'s actual content, so it's alright. Thank goodness for the lack of stereotypical leads.

Gundam 00 SS: Yeah, I know romance never really works out well in Gundam series, I still look out for MarinaXSetsuna moments. Setsuna's really matured too, plus he has a muffler. Mufflers are moe. Also Tieria's less of an ass this season, I'm not too sure why he's suddenly so nice with everyone, but at least it's nice to see everyone get together.

Earl and Fairy: Okay, guys, I know it's incredibly cheesy, and the action scenes are increbilly lame (still frames). It's excessive use of sparkles makes me laugh too. I'm curious how this one will go, and since I've never read the source material, it's kinda refreshing. The male protagonist looks eeriely like Tamaki Suou, i mean splitting image. Down to the purple eyes (or "Ash-Mauve" in Earl and Fairy. I don't think anyone uses that color in any normal conversation.)

Please guys, if anyone writes a fanfiction about Earl and Fairy. Please do not start with "His Ash-Mauve orbs gazed at her caramel colored threses of hair". Wait a minute. I wouldn't be surprised if that was an acual line in the show.

I swear Raven has like a geass or something, the "symbol" that appears when he activates it looks too similar to when Lulu activates his...

toradora, skip beat, anime, earl and fairy, gundam 00, first impressions

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