what am I doing wrong here?

Sep 20, 2006 13:16

The college kid germs have gotten to me.  And I am sick.  It is no fun, as I was sick a week before I got here too.  It is not even like, sick like it's going away soon.  Last Monday I got my first coldsore in many months, and also two cancker (I know that's the wrong spelling, I just don't care) sores.  On Friday I got a sore throat which lasted until Monday when my nose started running.  On Tuesday night, amidst the nose running my stomach started hurting.  Today, Wednesday I have developed a cough to add to the ever persistent running nose and mildly irritated stomach. When will it go away?  *sad face*  I have a chem test on friday, I have no time for this.

And I don't know what to do.  I have limited myself to drinking only juices, water, and milk (despite my extreme desire for diet coke and other sodas) and eating much less junk. Twice a day I Clorox disinfectant wipe my desk, my laptop, my computer mouse, pretty much everything in my room that I touch.  About every two hours I empty my filled trashcan of tissues, I wash my hands constantly, AND I have upped my usual 2 vitamin pills per day (which is recommended as "good") to 3 pills a day (recommended as "best")

I am distressed and it is no fun :(
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