Feb 23, 2010 04:27
♠ because I worked at a summer camp I know how to take windows apart to be used as fire escapes, what do I use this knowledge for? so that I can take the screen out of my window so I can smoke out the window without going outside. this is either a new high or a new low. haven't decided which is is yet.
♠ tried to watch The Strangers when I was home alone on Saturday night, all I managed to do was watch the first thirty minutes and scare myself so bad I had a panic attack, and then proceeded to barricade myself in my room. I'd be ashamed but I've never met someone who wasn't scared shitless by that movie.
♠ sort of writing, but mostly getting frustrated because the part of my big bang I'm writing now is one huge trigger for me. It's mostly making me get into a headspace that isn't healthy and terrifies me. along with that? I'm really, really having a bad week. it's awesome.