(no subject)

Mar 02, 2007 10:59

I'm going to do a PhD.

No, really.

Starting next semester, hopefully.

I just don't know what on!

So, any suggestions? Has anyone come across something and thought, 'That'd make an awesome PhD topic!'

Seriously, I'm open to any thoughts! Even point form interests :)

Something to do with film, preferably. I think I'd like to do it on film. Something nice and maybe creative.

Rambo? :) I could lay the Rambo stereotypes to rest for once and for all? LOLZ

In the mean time, whilst thinking up a topic, I'm going to work on making my Honours thesis into an article for something.

No, really.

Don't really know of any publications.

Anyone? Its on online fandom impact on sci-fi television series.

*is totally pseudo-wannabe-academic-y*

Obviously I've withdrawn from the science degree. I was so totally unmotivated I couldn't even bring myself to look at the assignment topics. I think first year undergraduate stuff is... below me... That might sound really pig-headed for someone of my not-very-cleverness to say, but that's how I feel when I look at the format and the work.

Cleaned out my fishies. OH, I don't think I mentioned that we have a new fishy! A Royal Dottyback, called Harry. I'll try and get some photos. He's much easier to get to stay still than the Clowns, which never stop fidgeting and bobbing. But Harry tends to just hang there in mid water.

And last week my ammonia was 0! *applauds self* I hope it will be this week, too, because I will feel so completely accomplished and might have to do another groovy, squee dance around the house singing 'My ammonia is ze-ro, la la la!' I'll check it in about an hour.

uni, fishies

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