*dances* My
artifuss commented! She's aliiiiiiiiive!
Chapter 2 word count: 605/~2,000 (at the most) Not bad. Its my methodology - whatever that is!!!! Who knows?!
Glasses work. Headaches have decreased by about 40-50%, I'd say. The rest is allergies and wisdom teeth and can't really be helped :)
We've been watching SG-1 from the beginning, all of us. Only a few episodes a week because mum's so busy (and I should be too). We're up to 'Bane' :) And WOW, the first season at least was a lot darker (narratively, not cinematographically ;P), wasn't it? No holds there. I love ♥ I'm going to gave to buy season 6 boxset when we get up to it though but that won't be for a long time!
Will make a music post soon with some of the pretty music I've been acquiring.
Spring has definitely sprung. Hot weather has begun. Its meant to be the hottest summer - they said that last year and I think the hottest day was still only 42*C. Still, that's way hotter than it was when we first moved up here 18 years ago.
Stupid El Nino *kicks him*
Still meaning to make a voice post. I'll have to find the microphone and find a spot to plug it in. Too bad it'll be laaaaaargely filesized, not like the teeny LJ audio post option. Alas, can't do that :)