Jun 04, 2006 12:32
I'm alive. Just.
Earned another $118 yesterday stocktaking in Walcha. Yay, me. Sore me.
Today I spent money I earned on pants (blue, lots of dangly bits, v. cool, free belt), a t-shirt (black (natch, do I own any other colour?) The Bealtes, because they rule the world), and DVDs (Blade, Tomb Raider 2, Proof of Life and Sahara - because they were all on super-duper special).
Must now work on essay - needs finishing by Tuesday morning. Word count: 2,300/3,500 (I know the word count is less than the 4,000 we're technically meant to have but there ain't no way no how!). Currently about a week away from nervous breakdown. Beware.